从 PowerShell 库安装新版本后,可使用Update-Module安装较新版本。 # 测试是否存在 Get-Module -ListAvailable PackageManagement,PowerShellGet # 安装 Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force # 升级 Update-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force 安装模块 # 安装 PSReadLine,posh-git,PSFzf,Terminal-Icons,z Install-...
$pwshRegPath="HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShellCore"$previewPath=Join-Path-Path$pwshRegPath-ChildPath"InstalledVersions\39243d76-adaf-42b1-94fb-16ecf83237c8"if(!(Test-Path-Path$previewPath)) {$null=New-Item-Path$previewPath-ItemTypeDirectory-Force}Set-ItemProperty-Path$pwshRegPath-NameUseMU...
Automate Powershell Force OneDrive to Re Sync if there is a Sync Error noted we use an RMM to automate powershell scripts to workdevices to monitor them. We get a lot of "OneDrive for Business, error with syncing" alerts. What I always see is that if OneDrive is restarted (manually) ...
此脚本包包含在修正中,但如果想要更改阈值,则会提供一个副本。 通过在检测脚本中更改 $numDays 的值来自定义七天阈值。 通过运行 gpupdate /target:computer /force 和gpupdate /target:user /force在通过 组策略 传递证书和配置时,帮助减少与网络连接相关的支持调用。 使用登录凭据运行脚本:是...
/p:"location"Azure 備份代理程式的安裝資料夾路徑。C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent /s:"location"Azure 備份代理程式的快取資料夾路徑。C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\Scratch /m加入 Microsoft Update- ...
模組: Microsoft.PowerShell.Management 建立新專案。語法PowerShell 複製 New-Item [-Path] <String[]> [-ItemType <String>] [-Value <Object>] [-Force] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell 複製 ...
Folder %USERPROFILE%\Appdata\local\Microsoft\Windows\caches Folder attributes/customization lost on copy or move in Windows 10 1607 (Anniversary Update) Folder Redirection GPO not working on Windows 10 Client Force a specific default lock screen and logon image/ Batch/PowerShell Force close apps ...
Q:I am having a problem trying to update the registry. I am using the New-ItemProperty cmdlet, but it fails if the registry key does not exist. I added the –Force parameter, but it still does not create the registry key. The error message says that it cannot find the path bec...
Update-AFCacheConfigurationStore 在升级 AppFabric 之后,更新缓存配置存储。当升级到 Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server 时,该操作具有将缓存主机名称转换为其等效完全限定的域名 (FQDN) 的可视效果。 缓存主机相关命令 下表列出可用于执行 Windows PowerShell 中缓存主机相关操作的命令。