Get-EXOMailboxFolderPermission列出分配给邮箱中文件夹的用户权限。 以下示例将用户的全部邮箱权限分配给 Info 共享邮箱: PowerShell 下一单元: 使用 Windows PowerShell 管理 Exchange Online 中的资源 ...
After defining the MOF class, persist it as ASCII or Unicode format on the file system with the file name TrustedHosts.Schema.mof within the TrustedHostsfolder created earlier. When you use this custom resource in a DSC configuration, you’ll be assigning values to the...
Delete folder based on date of creation of folder Delete Folders base on the Creation Time Delete permissions on a folder. Delete printers on remote computer Delete registry key owned by TrustedInstaller Deleting a file Access to the path is denied deleting empty lines in an excel file Deleting ...
描述: PowerShell 之父 Jeffrey Snover在加入微软之前是搞Linux的, PowerShell 是构建于 .NET 上基于任务的命令行 shell 和脚本语言,在PowerShell里随处看到Linux Shell的影子如ls, wget, curl 等。但PowerShell绝对不是shell的简单升级。 PowerShell 可帮助系统管理员和高级用户快速自动执行用于管理操作系统(Linux、...
When trying to change folder/library properties, file explorer closes When using Edge I get a "There is a problem with this website’s security certificate" error. Why? Where are drivers for installed printers stored on disk in Windows? Where are new Windows 10 ADMX available for App Privacy...
#of 'My Projects' folder Having created a new rule instance, we can define its parameters and properties like this: xml $rule_body = $rule.Conditions.Subject $rule_body.Enabled = $true $rule_body.Text = @('Completed Notification') $action = $rule.Actions.CopyToFolder $action.enabled =...
You have probably asked this question hundreds of times, “How big is that folder?” Of course, the typical GUI way to find out is to right-click the folder in Windows Explorer and open the folder’s properties. As with all things GUI, this does not scale well. For example, what if...
Perhaps the coolest thing about Windows PowerShell is its ability to extend the capabilities of these variable types. In the Windows PowerShell installation folder (normally in %systemroot\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0, though you'll find that the path is somewhat different on 64-bit systems),...
This command gets the values of theLastWriteTime,CreationTime, andRootproperties of a folder. The property values are returned in the order in which you specified the property names. PowerShell Get-ItemPropertyValue-Path'C:\Program Files\PowerShell'-NameLastWriteTime,CreationTime,Root Tuesday, March23...
for example adding a new redirected folder or a new software installation. What you generally did instead was create the GPO and configure all settings manually using the Group Policy Object Editor, then back it up and import it into a test environment. When everything was verified and working...