PS > Invoke-BruteForce -ComputerName SQLServ01 -UserList C:\test\users.txt -PasswordList C:\test\wordlist.txt -Service SQL -Verbose //爆破SQL Server PS > cat C:\test\servers.txt | Invoke-BruteForce -UserList C:\test\users.txt -PasswordList C:\test\wordlist.txt -Service SQL -Verbose...
netsh wlan show profile “WIFI-NAME-PROFILE” key=clear To only show the Wi-Fi password for that target wireless network profile, enter the following command: netsh wlan show profile “WIFI-NAME-PROFILE” key=clear | findstr “Key Content” ...
api-version=2024-07-01&search=restaurant wifi&$count=true&$select=HotelName,Description,Tags'# Query example 2# Apply a filter to the index to find hotels rated 4 or higher# Returns the HotelName and Rating. Two documents match.$url='https://<YOUR-SEARCH-SERVICE>
Is there any powershell script by which I can find utilization details of the disks attached to a particular virtual machine? I want to know how much is the free space and how much is the available space for all the disks present in a particular virtual machine ? FYI: The VM is present...
Is there any powershell script by which I can find utilization details of the disks attached to a particular virtual machine? I want to know how much is the free space and how much is the available space for all the disks present in a particular virtual machine ? FYI: The VM is prese...
Zrušiť upozornenie Windows 7 Beta 1 Windows PowerShell 2.0 Windows Server 2008 Čítať v angličtine Pridať do kolekcií Pridať do plánu Zdieľať cez Facebookx.comLinkedInE-mail Tlačiť Článok 31. 08. 2016 ...
Find-AVSignature-StartByte5001-EndByte10000-Interval2500-Path test.exe 再将得到的文件进行扫描,如此往复,直到定位出特征码。 CodeExecution Invoke-DLLInjection DLL注入脚本 注意dll架构要与目标进程相符,同时要具备相应的权限 示例 Invoke-DLLInjection-ProcessID1612-dll test.dll ...
New-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy -Name Management -AllowBluetooth $true -AllowBrowser $true -AllowCamera $true -AllowPOPIMAPEmail $false -PasswordEnabled $true -AlphanumericPasswordRequired $true -PasswordRecoveryEnabled $true -MaxEmailAgeFilter TwoWeeks -AllowWiFi $true -AllowStorageCard $trueThis...
Ladon FindIP ipc.txt ISVUL.txt (精确搜索) Ladon FindIP ipc.txt ISVUL.txt like (模糊搜索) 171 CiscoPwd CVE-2019-1653 Cisco RV320 RV325 路由器密码读取 Ladon CiscoPwd Ladon url.txt CiscoPwd 批量探测Cisco漏洞并导出用户密码 172 PrinterPoc 打印机PJL任意代码执行漏洞批量检测...
Find-AVSignature-StartByte0-EndByte10000-Interval5000-Path test.exe 这条命令将会把test.exe以5000字节作为块大小,分为两个有效部分。第一个部分偏移范围是05000,第二部分偏移为09999。之后我们可以分别使用杀软扫描这两个文件。不妨设第一个文件没有报毒,而第二个文件报毒了,那么我们就知道,特征码应该存在...