functionTest-MrParameter{param($ComputerName)Write-Output$ComputerName} 以下函数可查询系统中的所有命令,并返回带有特定参数名称的命令编号。 PowerShell functionGet-MrParameterCount{param( [string[]]$ParameterName)foreach($Parameterin$ParameterName) {$Results=Get-Command-ParameterName$Parameter-ErrorActionSil...
// In this case we find it relative to the AlcModule.Cmdlets.dll location private static readonly string s_dependencyDirPath = Path.GetFullPath( Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Dependencies")); private static readonly AlcModuleAssemblyLoadContext s_dep...
Wraps the string value of each pipeline object in single quotes. Type:SwitchParameter Position:Named Default value:False Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -UseCulture Uses the list separator for the current culture as the item delimiter. To find the list se...
Example 2: Find matches in text files This command searches all files with the.txtfile name extension in the current directory. The output displays the lines in those files that include the specified string. PowerShell Get-Alias|Out-File-FilePath.\Alias.txtGet-Command|Out-File-FilePath.\Comma...
Once a function is defined, you can use it like the built-in cmdlets. For example, to call the newly definedGet-PowerShellProcessfunction: PowerShell Get-PowerShellProcess Output NPM(K) PM(M) WS(M) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName --- --- --- --- -- -- --- 110 78.72 172.39 10.62 ...
If you are interested in the final version of the script in this post, you can find it in this GitHubGist. Resources My Crescendo journey My VssAdmin module Converting string output to objects– this post A closer look at a Crescendo Output Handler ...
[string] [ValidateLength(1,5)] $Text = 'Okay' Output 复制 IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType --- --- --- --- True True String System.Object 如果在类型之后声明验证属性,则会在类型转换之前验证所分配的值,这可能会导致意外的验证失败。 PowerShell 复制 [string] [ValidateLe...
For example, when you apply them to simple data such as a string, the -like and -match comparison operators determine whether the string matches the specified pattern. When you apply them to a collection of simple data, those same comparison operators return all elements in that collection ...
The output file contains an objectGUID column. The objectGUID attribute value of an Active Directory object is converted to a Base64 string in this column. It can help you to determine the account(s) that did not sync. Match the objectGUID from the Directory Synchronization Error Report mail ...
Type:String Position:Named Default value:None Required:True Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False Applies to:Exchange Online -AzureStatusPublishEndpointInfo This parameter is available only in the cloud-based service. This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use. ...