The following PowerShell one-liner command allows you to recursively scan a folder (including its subfolders) and find duplicate files. In this example, two identical files with the same hashes were found: Get-ChildItem –path C:\Share\ -Recurse | Get-FileHash | Group-Object -property hash ...
Cannot find an overload for ".ctor" and the argument count: "2" Cannot find an overload for "op_Subtraction" and the argument count: "2". Cannot find drive. A drive with the name '"C' does not exist. Cannot find drive. A drive with the name 'E' does not exist. Cannot find p...
The$env:PSModulePathenvironment variable contains a list of folder locations that are searched to find modules and resources. PowerShell recursively searches each folder for module (.psd1or.psm1) files. Install-Modulehas aScopeparameter that allows you to specify whether the module is installed for...
Remove-Item-PathC:\Test\hidden-RO-file.txt-Force It uses thePathparameter to specify the file. It uses theForceparameter to delete it. WithoutForce, you can't deleteread-onlyorhiddenfiles. Example 4: Delete files in subfolders recursively ...
[] excludeRuleNames =null], [string[] severity =null], [boolsuppressedOnly =false], [stringprofile =null])publicSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<DiagnosticRecord>AnalyzePath(stringpath, [boolsearchRecursively =false])publicSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<IRule>GetRule(string[] moduleNames,...
To make things easy, you can just clone recursively: git clone --recursive If you already cloned but forgot to use--recursive, you can update submodules manually: git submodule update --init ...
Switch parameter to use empty folder remove function. .EXAMPLE Remove-AgedItems -Path 'C:\Users\rholland\TesfFunction' -Age 7 #Remove Files In The Target Path That Are Older Than The Specified Age (in days), Recursively. Remove-AgedItems -Path 'C:\Users\rholland...
Remove-AgedItems -Path 'C:\Users\rholland\TesfFunction' -Age 7 #Remove Files In The Target Path That Are Older Than The Specified Age (in days), Recursively. Remove-AgedItems -Path 'C:\Users\rholland\TesfFunction' -Age 7 -Force #Remove Files In The Target Path That Are...
The TSQLfromDTSX.ps1 script takes 2 parameters: the path to the files and an option to recursively look at sub-folders. powershell.exe .TSQLfromDTSX.ps1 -RootFolder <folder path> -Recurse <0 or 1> Important: if the folder path has embedded spaces, you need to surround the path with...