Find-Commanduses theNameandRepositoryparameters to search for the commandInvoke-ScriptAnalyzerin thePSGalleryrepository. The object is sent down the pipeline toSave-Module. ThePathparameter determines the location to save the module.Verboseis an optional parameter, but displays status output in the Po...
The core command for setting/changing location. This is the equivalent of cd command.C++ 複製 public ref class SetLocationCommand : Microsoft::PowerShell::Commands::CoreCommandBaseInheritance Object InternalCommand Cmdlet PSCmdlet CoreCommandBase SetLocationCommand ...
If I want to change my location to a particular folder, I can use any of the above aliases or type the complete cmdlet name. To go to a particular folder, I can use the command that is shown here: PS C:\> sl c:\fso1 But if I want to return to the root of drive C, I ...
To see the custom cmdlet help for a provider path, go to the provider path location and enter a Get-Help command or, from any path location, use the Path parameter of Get-Help to specify the provider path. You can also find custom cmdlet help online in the provider help section of the...
Push-Location -stack job1会把当前目录保存到job1堆栈中,而不是标准堆栈中。当然在你想重新回到这个位置时,也需要在Pop-Location中指定这个参数-stack job1。 查找特殊的目录 Windows使用了很多特殊的目录,根据系统的安装,可能稍有不同。一些非常重要的目录的路径同时也保存在Windows环境变量中,这样PowerShell 可以...
CmdletFind-Module會使用Name參數來指定PowerShellGet模組。Repository參數會指定搜尋PSGallery 存放庫。 範例6:在多個存放庫中尋找模組 此範例會使用Register-PSRepository來指定存放庫。Find-Module會使用存放庫來搜尋模組。 PowerShell Register-PSRepository-NameMySource-SourceLocation
When the Command Shell is started, it creates a drive named Monitoring, maps the drive to the root of OperationsManagerMonitoring provider, and finally sets the current location or path to the root of the Monitoring drive. The Command Shell then searches the registry for the name of the ...
The first thing that I need to do is create an alias for the C# compiler, once that is established I find the location of the System.Management.Automation.dll and compile the assembly:复制 New-Alias csc "${V2Framework}\csc.exe" $SMADLL = [PSObject].Assembly.Location csc /target:...
It just removes the cmdlets and providers from the lists that Windows PowerShell uses to find cmdlets and access providers.Putting It All TogetherOnce I do everything I've just described, I am ready to start using my new custom cmdlets. Of course, I am doing everything from the command ...
Find-Module 发现 产品文档 开发语言 主题 版本 PSResourceGet 1.x 概述 管理PowerShell 包 PowerShell 库 参考 Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet PowerShellGet 命令 Find-Command Find-DscResource Find-Module Find-RoleCapability Find-Script Get-InstalledModule...