powershellCopy Code Get-AzureADSignInLogs-Filter"userPrincipalName eq 'username@domain.com'"|SelectUserPrincipalName, CreatedDateTime, AppDisplayName 这将列出特定用户的所有登录记录。 29.通过 PowerShell 获取特定时间范围内的所有登录活动 你可以通过 PowerShell 脚本在指定的时间范围内查询登录活动,帮助你进...
Thoughts ? Get-AzureADUser -All $true | Where-Object {$_.UserPrincipalName -match '^\\d+$'} | select DisplayName, UserPrincipalName | E...","replies":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjQuMTF8Mi4xfGl8MTB8MTMyOjB...
Get multiple AD users based on UserPrincipalName and then export them into csv file Get multiple lines from text files Get Multiple variables from psobject into Write-Output string Get Newest Folder and Display Files Within Get only SamAccountname get-aduser Get page load time through powershell...
Surname Property System.String Surname {get;set;} UserPrincipalName Property System.String UserPrincipalName {get;set;} The Get-ADUser cmdlet includes a Properties parameter to specify additional properties beyond the defaults you want to retrieve. To return all properties, use the * wildcard ...
Import-Csv \"C:\\Powershell csv\\Roomfinder.csv\" | foreach {Get-ADUser $_.SamAccountName.trim() | Select USerPrincipalName} #If wheelchair friendly remove # and \"\" from line 38 and # from line 45 $Place = \"Email address removed\" ...
-UserPrincipalName"$_.UserName@manticore.org"` } 运行结果: 可以看到用户默认是禁用的,稍后将学习怎么启用、禁用用户。 2、使用 Quest Active Directory Cmdlets 批量创建域用户。 Clear-Host Import-Csv-PathE:\PSTest\Users.csv|foreach{ New-QADUser-Name$_.UserName` ...
$countryCode)" try { $Error.Clear() Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $credNewAccount.UserName -UsageLocation $loc } catch{} if ($Error) { $status["Office 365 License"] = "Failed to assign an Office 365 license to the account" $Error.Clear() } else { PrintAction "We found the ...
其中ROOTCIMV2是一个默认的命名空间, 类Win32_OperatingSystem是获取机器的信息, 这里对应到我们的wmic.exe的命令就是wmic /NAMESPACE:"rootCIMV2" PATH Win32_OperatingSystem, 那么还有很多类可以调用,比如:Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Process,这条命令会获取到所有的本地计算机的进程,我们选择一个进程来查看Get...
Will an email address input work if it is not the UserPrincipalName of any MSOL identity?The script logic first attempts to find the MSOL identity through the UserPrincipalName by using the email address from the CSV file. If this attempt fails, the script tries to find any MSOL object...
By default, the Get-ADUser cmdlet returns only 10 basic user attributes (out of more than 120 user account properties): DistinguishedName, SamAccountName, Name,SID,UserPrincipalName, ObjectClass, account status (Enabled: True/False according to theUserAccountControl AD attribute), etc. In this ...