[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Executor, [Boolean]$MsrcUpdate)# * 文件输出默认为UTF-8格式$PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] ='utf8'### ***## * 全局公用工具依赖函数 *# ***#FunctionF_IsCurrentUserAdmin{<#.
api-version=2024-07-01&search=*&$filter=Rating gt 4&$select=HotelName,Rating'# Query example 3# Take the top two results, and show only HotelName and Category in the results$url='https://<YOUR-SEARCH-SERVICE>.search.windows.net/indexes/hotels-quickstart/docs?api-version=2024-07-01&...
The comparison operators in PowerShell can either compare two values or filter elements of a collection against an input value. Long description Comparison operators let you compare values or finding values that match specified patterns. PowerShell includes the following comparison operators: Equality -...
The comparison operators in PowerShell can either compare two values or filter elements of a collection against an input value. Long description Comparison operators let you compare values or finding values that match specified patterns. PowerShell includes the following comparison operators: Equalit...
filter [<scope:>]<name> {<statement list>} The following filter takes log entries from the pipeline and then displays either the whole entry or only the message portion of the entry: PowerShell Copy filter Get-ErrorLog ([switch]$Message) { if ($Message) { Out-Host -InputObject $_...
(Test-Path$psrcpath) {$results+=Get-ChildItem-Path$psrcpath-Filter*.psrc } }# Format the results nicely to make it easier to read$results|Select-Object@{ Name ='Name'; Expression = {$_.Name.TrimEnd('.psrc') }}, @{ Name ='Path'; Expression = {$_.FullName } } |Sort-Object...
(Test-Path$psrcpath) {$results+=Get-ChildItem-Path$psrcpath-Filter*.psrc } }# Format the results nicely to make it easier to read$results|Select-Object@{ Name ='Name'; Expression = {$_.Name.TrimEnd('.psrc') }}, @{ Name ='Path'; Expression = {$_.FullName } } |Sort-Object...
$command = { Get-WinEvent -LogName PowerShellCore/Operational | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Message -like '*certificate*' } } Invoke-Command -ComputerName S1, S2 -ScriptBlock $command$command 变量存储格式化为脚本块的 Get-WinEvent 命令。 Invoke-Command 运行存储在 S1 和 S2 远程计算机上...
Rather than checking each service one at a time, I retrieved all services using Get-Service, I piped those to Where-Object, and then I filtered out all those that were not running. That's more or less what I want to do with my script: get a list of computer names, filter out all...
I created variables for the filterxpath and username out to separate variables I replaced the Invoke-Command block with the "-ComputerName" parameter in the Get-WinEvent cmdlet. Here's the full script block: $computername="servername"$username="dmarquesgn"$FilterPath="<QueryList><Query Id='...