PowerShell复制 Enter-pssession-ComputerNameserver01.contoso.com-ConfigurationName"AccountActivityAdministration"-Credential<User Using JEA>Get-AdfsAccountActivity<User>
设置后,可以使用 JEA 日志记录和审核来确定正确的用户是否有权访问 JEA 终结点。 使用委派命令: PowerShell Enter-pssession-ComputerNameserver01.contoso.com-ConfigurationName"AccountActivityAdministration"-Credential<User Using JEA>Get-AdfsAccountActivity<User> 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否...
Getting "You do not have sufficiant privileges to create a container in Active Directory" error during ADFS farm configuration Getting 4776 Events Saying Account does not exists on IIS server Getting constraint_att_type error from LDAP Getting error in domain controller Getting error in KMS Getting...
将CertDirectoryMaker.ps1 下载到网络文件共享,然后运行该脚本。 该脚本将创建一个文件夹结构,该结构符合 .\Certificates\AAD 或 .\Certificates\ADFS 的要求,具体取决于你的标识提供者。 文件夹结构必须以“\Certificates”文件夹开头,后面仅有“\AAD”或“\ADFS”文件夹。 ...
configurationFilePath N Variable configuration data file (default: ./conf.json)Connect-IEFPoliciesUse Connect-IEFPolicies cmdlet to sign in to your B2C tenant and obtain access tokens needed to execute other cmdlets (import- and export-) in this module which require Graph access to the tenant. ...
Because Export-CSV is a native PowerShell cmdlet, it knows how to translate the table normally generated by Get-Process into a normal CSV file.Let's open the file to see the results:#TYPE System.Diagnostics.Process "__NounName","Name","Handles","VM","WS","PM","NPM","Path","...
Add-PswaAuthorizationRule -UserName * -ComputerName * -ConfigurationName * An admin might accidentally use the command during troubleshooting or while trying to quickly grant access, not realizing it opens up unrestricted access for all users to all computers and PowerShell configurations. ...
never expire: Abouty AdfsService Administrator Affeard Guest Install joe john These accounts are not required to have a password: Guest PC01$ PC02$ PC03$ In the example above, we are providing lists of weak passwords (dictionaries) to theTest-PasswordQualitycmdlet in multiple ways: Directly ...
$path = "C:\Export" $id = "4798" $computers = @("DC","ADFS","SQL","WEB") foreach ($computer in $computers) { $events = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $server -FilterHashtable @{ LogName='Security'; Id=$id } $events | Select ID, Message | Export-Csv -Path "$path\$server.cs...
To build your xml run Export-StartLayout -Path "C:\example\StartMenuLayout.xml" .EXAMPLE .\Win10Setup.ps1 -StartMenuLayout C:\example\StartMenuLayout.xml -RemoveApps -AppsToRemove C:\example\AppsToRemove.txt -DisableOneDrive -DisableCortana Imports the start menu config, removes apps listed in...