try{# 监控代码}catch{$errorMessage="Error:$_"Add-Content-Path$logFilePath-Value"$timestamp-$errorMessage`n"} 2.添加邮件通知功能 如果CPU 或内存使用率超过某个阈值,可以通过邮件通知你。你可以使用Send-MailMessage命令发送电子邮件: powershellCopy Code # 设置阈值$cpuThreshold=80$memThreshold=80# 发送...
Catch error from Invoke-RestMethod catch return value from script in batch file Catching errors and outputting to log file change a cell value in excel using powershell Change Baud Rate or Bits Per Second COM Port X with Powershell Change Cell Color in HTML Table when match a value Change c...
functionTest-MrErrorHandling{ [CmdletBinding()]param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]]$ComputerName)PROCESS{foreach($Computerin$ComputerName) {try{Test-WSMan-ComputerName$Computer} catch {Write-Warning-Message"Unable to connect to Computer:$Computer...
終止錯誤會寫入錯誤數據流,做為 ErrorRecord,並具有的FullyQualifiedErrorId。 PSTaskException 終止錯誤可以使用 PowerShell trycatch/或trap區塊轉換成非終止錯誤。 即使使用 $using: 關鍵詞,在平行案例中也不支援 PipelineVariable 一般參數變數。 重要 參數ForEach-Object -Parallel ...
$file="C:\Test\lockedFile.txt"if(!(Test-Path$file-PathTypeLeaf)) {Write-Host"File not found!"}else{try{Remove-Item$file-Force-ErrorActionStopWrite-Host"File deleted successfully"}catch{Write-Host"Could not delete file:$($_.Exception.Message)"} ...
Connect-PSSession:連線 中斷連線的 PSSession。 Disconnect-PSSession:中斷 PSSession 的連線。 Get-PSSession:取得本機計算機或遠端電腦上的 PSSession。 Receive-PSSession:取得在中斷聯機會話中執行的命令結果。 Invoke-Command: InDisconnectedSession 參數會立即建立 PSSession 並中斷連線。
Here I simply display the exception message. In some cases, you may want to use the continue statement to force your test automation to continue running even on a fatal error. Or you may want to exit your automation altogether.Taking It a Step FurtherI hardcoded many values for clarity, ...
No, it's just a single line of code you see in the snippet (import-module). I did not load any other libraries manually, not even sure that's a thing with powershell. Maybe the old powershell needs some custom module code to make work:PowerShell/PowerShell#12004 (comment) ...
Catch { # Run this if a terminating error occurred in the Try block # The variable $_ represents the error that occurred $_ } Finally { # Always run this at the end }TipIntroduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0, you can use CTRL-J in the ISE to insert aTry, Catch, Finallys...
(Public|Private|Function)\s*=)',# 公共、私有或函数作用域r'\$((Args|MyInvocation|PSBoundParameters)\s*=)',# 参数或调用信息或绑定参数r'\$((Verbose|Debug|Warning|Error)\s*=)',# 详细、调试、警告或错误级别r'\$((UseTransaction|PSCulture)\s*=)',# 使用事务或文化r'\$((ConfirmPreference...