所有Windows PowerShell 命令都有 –ErrorAction 参数。 此参数具有别名 –EA。 参数接受与$ErrorActionPreference相同的值,并且参数会替代此命令的变量。 如果预计某个命令会出现错误,请使用 –ErrorAction 将此命令的错误操作设置为“Stop”。 这样做可以捕获和管理此命令的错误,但让...
error message with a script sending emails to multiple recipients. error on all commands "Set-Location : The term 'Set-Location' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet" Error on first attempt to use PowerShell Error trying to connect to DB using SMO Error using Invoke-SqlCmd Error usi...
Error Category Replacement Error Message Recommended Action Information 顯示其他 2 個 Cmdlets must pass anSystem.Management.Automation.ErrorRecordobject that identifies the error condition for terminating and non-terminating errors. TheSystem.Management.Automation.ErrorRecordobject contains the following infor...
hi, when i use powershell to install appxbundle, show the following error, please advise how to fix it. S C:\Windows\system32> Add-AppxPackage -Path "D:_temp\MSARC.AppxBundle" Add-AppxPackage : 部署失敗,HRESULT 為: 0x80073CF3,…
01 Trap { 02 # Log error to a file 03 Continue 04 } 05 06 Function MyFunction { 07 Get-WmiObject Win32_Service –comp "Server2" –ea "Stop" 08 Get-Process 09 } 10 11 MyFunction 12 Write-Host "Testing!" 如果错误发生在第 7 行,则外壳会在函数的作用域内查找 Trap。如果没有找到,那...
$errors | foreach-object {"`nService: "+ $_.ErrorDetail.Name.split("/")[0]; "Error Message: "+ $_.ErrorDetail.ObjectErrors.ErrorRecord.ErrorDescription} 对于用户 以下cmdlet 检索目标上的所有错误: $errors = (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "<User_ID>").Errors ...
建议您先检查一下文件路径是否正确,并打开 Excel 查看文件是否存在,是否能够正常打开。如果文件路径正确...
$Error.Clear(); Do-Something; If ($Error) {..} Else {..} Trap $ErrorActionPreference Try, Catch, Finallyis similar to a Trap block. Trap blocks generally catch any errors in the scope of the entire script or function. The beauty ofTry, Catch, Finallyis that it is like...
When you try to run Microsoft Azure Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell cmdlets, you receive the following error message: The term <cmdlet name> is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or ...
An error occurred. 当脚本遇到“NonsenseString”时,会导致终止错误。catch块通过在块内运行语句列表来处理错误。 使用多个 catch 语句 一个try语句可以包含任意数量的catch块。 例如,以下脚本具有下载try的MyDoc.doc块,其中包含两个catch块: PowerShell复制 ...