Enable-LocalUser [-SID] <SecurityIdentifier[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]说明Enable-LocalUser cmdlet 启用本地用户帐户。禁用用户帐户后,用户无法登录。启用用户帐户后,用户可以登录。备注 Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts 模块在 64 位系统上的 32 位 PowerShell 中不可用...
Disable-LocalUser [-Name] <String[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell Copy Disable-LocalUser [-SID] <SecurityIdentifier[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]DescriptionThe Disable-LocalUser cmdlet disables local user accounts. When a user account is disabl...
"Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation" rights is disabled for Administrator account despite delegation option in the "AD Computer Properties" being "Trust this computer for delegation to any service (Kerberos only)" "Error issuing replication: 8453 (0x2105)" when doing a...
New-LocalUser [-AccountExpires <DateTime>] [-AccountNeverExpires] [-Description <String>] [-Disabled] [-FullName <String>] [-Name] <String> -Password <SecureString> [-PasswordNeverExpires] [-UserMayNotChangePassword] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]Power...
Enable-ADAccount-Identity"ComputerName$" 信任关系管理 验证信任关系状态: powershellCopy Code Test-ADTrust-Identity"TrustName" 计算机名管理 获取当前计算机名称: powershellCopy Code $env:COMPUTERNAME 重命名计算机并重新启动(指定域用户): powershellCopy Code ...
可以使用 LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy 注册表项更改默认行为并允许属于管理员组成员的远程用户以管理员权限运行。注意 LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy 条目对所有受影响计算机的所有用户禁用用户帐户控制 (UAC) 远程限制。 在更改策略之前,请仔细考虑此设置的含义。
"Domain\User3" 是被授予只读访问权限的用户。 运行命令:运行上面的命令来创建共享文件夹并设置权限。 验证共享权限:确认共享文件夹已成功创建,并且权限设置正确。 通过以上步骤,你可以使用 PowerShell 命令为共享文件夹赋予共享权限。记得根据实际情况修改命令中的参数,以符合你的需求和环境。
The account that you use to connect to must be enabled for PowerShell access. For more information, seeEnable or disable access to Exchange Online PowerShell. TCP port 80 traffic needs to be open between your local computer and Microsoft 365. It's probably open, but it's something to cons...
The account that you use to connect to must be enabled for PowerShell access. For more information, seeEnable or disable access to Exchange Online PowerShell. TCP port 80 traffic needs to be open between your local computer and Microsoft 365. It's probably open, but it's something to cons...
使用RemoteHashRetrieval.ps1 cmdlet从DAMP远程转储秘钥(以“BackdoorUser”用户身份运行)。 # Get machine account hash for silver ticket attack Get-RemoteMachineAccountHash -ComputerName DC01 # Get local account hashes Get-RemoteLocalAccountHash -ComputerName DC01 ...