.\Set-RemoteRegistry.ps1 -Key SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\AudioSrv\Parameters -Name ServiceDllUnloadOnStop -Value 0 -Type DWord –Force This script is also a good example of cmdletbinding and support of whatif. I still think use of Whatif in scripts has its limitations as apprarent in ...
PS C:\PowerShell> $key = Dir HKCU: | Select-Object -first 1 PS C:\PowerShell> $key.GetType() IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType --- --- --- --- True False RegistryKey System.MarshalByRefObject PS C:\PowerShell> $key.GetType().FullName Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey PS C:\PowerShell>...
$testKey='HKCU:\Software\Testkey'if(-not(Test-Path$testKey)) {md$testKey}New-ItemProperty$testKey-name"Entry2"-value"123"-propertyTypedwordNew-ItemProperty$testKeyEntry3-value"Windows is in %windir%"-propertyTypestringNew-ItemProperty$testKeyEntry4-value"Windows is in %windir%"-propertyType...
Ever since Windows NT 3.1, it is easy to edit the registry using the built in registry editor –regedit.exe. Windows NT also had thereg.execommand that allowed you to manage the registry programatically and you can still usew it today. You can also use the WMI ...
How can get value of registry DWORD value of remote computers with powershell How can I access an Outlook folder with Powershell other than the default? How can I add a blank line to a text file using PowerShell? How can i add members to an existing user via ADSI? How can I calculat...
Edit a ini file within a user's My Documents directory edit GPO is grayed out Edit Local Group Policy computer settings from command line? edit local security policy on remote computer Edit registry equal to modify setting in GPEDIT ? Editing a GPO XML file editing ADMX file Editing any poli...
DWORD: A 32-bit unsigned integer. In other words, aSystem.UInt32. REGSAM: A Registry Security Access Mask. We will talk about it in a bit. PHKEY: A pointer to a variable that will receive the opened key handle. We know that we can represent pointers asSystem.IntPtr. ...
Registry ShouldProcess, Transactions {HKLM, HKCU} Variable ShouldProcess {Variable} PowerShell对数据的几种操作 set-item设置内容 clear-item删除内容 mkdir新建文件夹 set-content设置内容 get-content获取内容 get-psdriver获取当前驱动器列表 PowerShell对环境变量的操作 ...
Create the following registry entry, and then set its value to 1: LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy inHKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System You can use the following PowerShell command to add this entry: PowerShell $parameters= @{ Path='HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVe...
1、用“Windows+R”打开运行窗口输入“regedit”并按回车。或直接在Cortana栏中输入“regedit”,单击打开注册表管理器; 2、定位到以下位置:“计算机\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Powershell\command” (此处shell下可能只有cmd,这是默认的,进入即可) ...