最接近的echo等效命令是Write-Output。echo是Write-Output的内置别名。Write-Output将输出数据写入pipeline并允许你将输出重定向到另一个命令或文件。如果管道未完成,输出数据将显示在 PowerShell 控制台上。 Write-Output"Hello World." 输出: Hello World. 在PowerShell 中使用Write-Host作为echo等效命令 PowerShell ...
Write-Output -- -InputObject $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE Output 複製 -InputObject AMD64 此行為僅適用於PowerShell命令。 如果您在呼叫外部命令時使用 -- 令牌,字串 -- 會當做自變數傳遞至該命令。PowerShell 複製 TestExe -echoargs -a -b -- -c 輸出會顯示 -- 當做自變數傳遞至 TestExe。Output...
echo$env:PATH echo"ANDROID_NDK is$($Env:ANDROID_NDK)" 但如果输出内容仅仅做为显示使用, 并不需要作为其他命令的输入, 可以使用Write-Host: Write-Host$env:PATH Write-Host"ANDROID_NDK is$($Env:ANDROID_NDK)" 8. 连行符 在Linux shell 中, 使用\作为连行符: cmake \ -S . \ -B build 在cmd...
/usr/bin/bash# branch default to 11.3.1160.0236# boolean reg default to falseparam($branch="11.4.0300.0041",$reg="true")#$branch="11.3.0930.0014"$cwd=$PSScriptRootfunctionupdateRepo($view,$addr,$owner){Write-Host"Checking $view/$addr/"if(Test-Path-Path"$view/$addr/.git"){echo"The re...
echoechoWrite-Outputwriteecho mdmkdirNew-Itemni movemvMove-Itemmi、move、mi popdpopdPop-Locationpopd pwdGet-Locationgl、pwd pushdpushdPush-Locationpushd renmvRename-Itemrni、ren typecatGet-Contentgc、cat、type 备注 此表中的别名特定于 Windows。 某些别名在其他平台上不可用。 这是为了使本机命令能够...
Bash echo输出带颜色和背景的文本 1、先上效果图 2、bash代码 #!...*** black="0" red="1" green="2" yellow="3" blue="4" magenta="5" cyan="6" white="7" # Color 为文本和背景设置颜色...$3 else Bg="8" Content=$1 fi Color $black $Bg $Content } # echo_red 输出红色...
Part 1:http://blogs.msdn.com/monad/archive/2005/11/04/489138.aspx(Terminating vs. Non-Terminating Errors, ErrorRecord) Part 2:http://blogs.msdn.com/monad/archive/2005/11/08/490130.aspx($error) Jon Newman [MSFT] Write-Host write-host is the “printf” (or “echo > /dev/tty” for...
{ $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = 'Magenta' } else { $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = 'Gray' } # echo $_.Name Write-Host -NoNewline $_.Name " " # echo $_ $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $fore } } function Show-Color( [System.ConsoleColor] $color ) { $fore = $Host....
else { $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = 'Gray' } # echo $_.Name Write-Host -NoNewline $_.Name " " # echo $_ $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $fore } } function Show-Color( [System.ConsoleColor] $color ) { $fore = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor ...
echo %user% was created ) We'll see quite a bit of output since we didn't specify@echooff. Anthony Howell/TechTarget Figure 1. Windows NewAdmin account confirmation with command prompt. Here, the admin account is called NewAdmin. To check if it exists, we run thenet usercommand to ret...