方式三 Import-Module BitsTransfer $url = "https://dldir1.qq.com/qqfile/qq/QQ9.0.5/23816/QQ9.0.5.exe" Start-BitsTransfer $url D:\Tools\QQ9.0.5.exe #Invoke-Item D:\Tools\QQ9.0.5.exe #下载完成后打开程序方式三不支持https的Tls12模式,无法下载github的https文件,不推荐使用。
$client.DownloadFile(' $client.DownloadFile('http://www.51.cto.com/download/PWR/full_of.PWR','D:\DZHSERVER\127\CWDATA\download\PWR\full_of.PWR') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 右击选择使用Powershell运行脚本127_download_crontab.ps1发现没有发现下载,右击编辑后点击运行脚本报错 Powershell一般初始化情况下...
Create in memory CSV file Create list of users in the Domain Admin Group who have an active account Create Log File with Copy-Item Create multiple local user accounts with text file and disable them after a period of time time with powershell script. Create New Excel Worksheets Create object...
===文件名:Get-WebFile.ps1===functionGet-WebFile { <# Author:fuhj(powershell#live.cn ,http://fuhaijun.com)Downloads a file or page from the web .Example Get-WebFile http://mirrors.cnnic.cn/apache/couchdb/binary/win/1.4.0/setup-couchdb-1.4.0_R16B01.exe Downloads the latest versi...
但 学到了的知识点颇丰: 二进制传输 二进制编码读、写、操作、下载 二进制编码转化 二进制编码转化成text形式的与file_get_contents()的读取结果相同 readAsText(<Bolb>, “utf8”) 二进制文件的base64编码用javascript实现base64编码器以及图片的base64编码 以太网帧类型 以太网帧类型总结 URL资源是文件...
try{$wc=New-ObjectSystem.Net.WebClient$tempFile="c:\temp\MyDoc.doc"$wc.DownloadFile("http://www.contoso.com/MyDoc.doc",$tempFile) } catch [System.Net.WebException],[System.IO.IOException] {"Unable to download MyDoc.doc from http://www.contoso.com."} catch {"An error occurred that...
This is on par with scp behavior for file uploads. File download behavior via scp and sftp remains the same as 9.1, with a best effort attempt to add the MOTW. This change was prompted by Community feedback, as discussed in #2029. Fixes for #2018 and #2019. Assets 13 Loading 👍...
# Register a NuGet-based server$registerPSRepositorySplat= @{ Name ='LocalPSRepo'SourceLocation ='http://MyLocalNuget/Api/V2/'ScriptSourceLocation ='http://MyLocalNuget/Api/V2'InstallationPolicy ='Trusted'}Register-PSRepository@registerPSRepositorySplat# Register a file share on my local machine...
Get-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "https://sepagogmbh-my.sharepoint.com/" -Path "/Upload/Doings.txt" -LocalPath "D:\DEV\PowerShell\PowerShellGallery-OneDrive\Test\Downloads" -LocalFileName "Copy from OneDrive.Doings.txt" Hint: From version 2.2 downloaded files keep th...
To use Managed Dependencies in Azure Functions with PowerShell, you need to configure arequirements.psd1file. This file specifies the modules your function requires, and Azure Functions automatically downloads and updates these modules to ensure that your environment stays up-to-date. ...