File C:\tmp\Install.ps1 cannot be loaded. The contents of file C:\tmp\Install.ps1 might have been changed by an unauthorized user or process, because the hash of the file does not match the hash stored in the digital signature. The script cannot run on the spe...
"Hello" -like "h*" # True, starts with h "Hello" -clike "h*" # False, does not start with lowercase h "Hello" -like "*l*" # True, has an l in it somewhere "Hello" -like "??l" # False, no length match "-abc" -like "[-xz]*" # True, - is not a range separator...
"0XB2" # matches pattern Test -h 0xK3 # does not match pattern Test -m -4 # matches pattern Test -m "+7" # matches pattern Test -m -12 # matches pattern, but is too long [ValidatePattern('\^[a-z][a-z0-9]\*$')]$ident = "abc" $ident = "123" # does not match ...
Example 1: Find a case-sensitive match This example does a case-sensitive match of the text that was sent down the pipeline to theSelect-Stringcmdlet. PowerShell 'Hello','HELLO'|Select-String-Pattern'HELLO'-CaseSensitive-SimpleMatch The text stringsHelloandHELLOare sent down the pipeline to ...
Exception: "The given ColumnMapping does not match up with any column in the source or destination." Exchange Message Count Exchange online- The WinRM client cannot process the request because the server name cannot be resolved Exchange Powershell : Loop through all users/Mailboxes and run an ...
-match 和 -notmatch 运算符使用正则表达式确定某个值是包含还是不包含表达式的匹配项。 提示 有关Windows PowerShell 运算符的详细信息,请参阅 William Stanek 著作:Windows PowerShell 2.0, Administrator's Pocket Consultant(《Windows PowerShell 2.0 管理员的袖珍顾问》)(Microsoft Press,2009)中第 5 章“导航...
Hash for package 'PowerShellGet' does not match hash provided from the server.\nVERBOSE: InstallPackageLocal' - name='PowerShellGet', version='2.2.3',destination='C:\\Users\\jh\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\1026672374'\nInstall-Package: C:\\program files\\powershell\\7-prev...
Returns an object representing the item with which you are working. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output. Type:SwitchParameter Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False ...
在IF语句中传递"-match"或"Powershell"条件,可以使用以下示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 $myString = "Hello, Powershell" if ($myString -match "Powershell") { Write-Host "The string contains 'Powershell'" } else { Write-Host "The string does not contain 'Powershell'" } ...
I am still somewhat new to PowerShell; I may not have given enough detail here. Let me know if there are additional details I can provide. Edit: Actually, I think I figured it out. The Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler function does not have the chord parameter in the PowerShell 5.1 version of...