that is what the script is all about in the first place. The reason, is thatTest-Pathdoes not know how to work with registry key property values. It will attempt to work, but it does not.
Display Japanese characters in English Powershell console Display Message box in a powershell form while a script is running in the background Display special characters in powershell DisplayAlerts = $False is not working.. Displaying $Error[0].Exception Displaying dialog to user when run as SYST...
Dirhklm:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall |ForEach-Object{Write-Host-ForegroundColorYellow"Installed Products:"}{$values=Get-ItemProperty$_.PSPath;"{0:-30} {1:20}"-f$values.DisplayName,$values.MoreInfoURL }{Write-Host-ForegroundColorYellow"Finished!"} 注:上面的脚本写法稍微有...
PS>Get-CultureLCID Name DisplayName --- --- ---1031de-DEGerman (Germany) PS>$x=1.2PS>$x.ToString()1,2PS> (Get-Date2024-03-19).ToString()19.03.202400:00:00 不過,PowerShell 會在解譯可展開的字串表達式時使用不因文化特性而異。 PowerShell PS?"...
functionTest1 {param($a,$b)# Display the parameters in dictionary format.$PSBoundParameters}functionTest2 {param($a,$b)# Run the Test1 function with $a and $b.Test1 @PSBoundParameters } PowerShell Test2-aPower-bShell Output Key Value --- --- a Power b Shell $PS...
Get-ChildItem doesn't display empty directories. When a Get-ChildItem command includes the Depth or Recurse parameters, empty directories aren't included in the output.Locations are exposed to Get-ChildItem by PowerShell providers. A location can be a file system directory, registry hive, or a ...
"{0:-30} {1:20}" -f $values.DisplayName, $values.MoreInfoURL }{Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Finished!"} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 荔非苔注:上面的脚本写法稍微有点坑爹,其实是ForEach-Object可以接受三个脚本块用于管道的流模式处理,分别代表begin,process和end。
It is unusual to have a registry key that has only a default property value. In fact, most registry keys contain multiple property values. To create a new property value, use theNew-ItemPropertycmdlet. The following command creates a new property value named NewProperty und...
In the script block for theifstatement, display a message that the registry property exists, or simply exit. In theelsestatement, call theSet-ItemPropertyto create and to set the value of the registry key property. This technique is shown here. ...
Name$Name$Result= F_Tools-Key"Registry::$($Name)"-Value$Value-Operator$Operator-DefaultValue$DefaultValue-Msg$Msgreturn$Result}catch{$Result=@{"Registry::$($Name)"="[异常项]|$($Key)中$($Name)不存在该项|$($DefaultValue)|$($Msg)"}Write-Host$Result.Values-ForegroundColorRedreturn$Result}...