Invoke-Command -cn wfe0, wfe1 -ScriptBlock {Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | select DisplayName, Publisher, InstallDate } The output now includes thePSComputerNamecolumn, which will help when I want to sort results down the road. And there we have...
How to display function definition / code in powershell How to display lines from a file that are between two strings How to display nested group membership in a tree view of a given user? How to display objectSID in a Powershell script How to display user certificates from personal store ...
Displaying installed programs After you install a Win32 application, it usually appears in the Control Panel underPrograms and Features > Uninstall a program. You can display the same list of programs with this PowerShell command: Get-Package -Provider Programs -IncludeWindowsInstaller Displaying insta...
(x86) versions. When working with Windows PowerShell, you'll use the 64-bit version that displays asWindows PowerShellorWindows PowerShell ISEin the Start menu. The 32-bit versions provide compatibility with locally installed 32-bit shell extensions. They display asWindows PowerShell (x8...
"displayId":"WindowsPowerShell","nodeType":"category","depth":3,"title":"PowerShell","shortTitle":"PowerShell Community","parent":{"__ref":"Category:category:products-services"}},"Category:category:top":{"__typename":"Category","id":"category:top","displayId":"top","nodeType":"...
(don't forget the period mark) and press Tab, Windows PowerShell will display Clone(), the first method of the String type. If you keep pressing Tab, Windows PowerShell will cycle through all the available methods. Essentially, when you do this, Windows PowerShell is showing you what it...
This will display all the packages that are installed on your computer, including those that were installed using Windows Installer (MSI). The -Name argument can also be used to filter the results by a particular name or pattern like for example, if you want to uninstall XAMPP, you can use...
Format-Wide[[-Property] <Object>] [-AutoSize] [-Column <int>] [-GroupBy <Object>] [-View <string>] [-ShowError] [-DisplayError] [-Force] [-Expand <string>] [-InputObject <psobject>] [<CommonParameters>] Description TheFormat-Widecmdlet formats objects as a wide table that d...
When writing Windows PowerShell-based UI test automation, it is generally a matter of personal coding style whether to throw an exception or to simply display a message using the write-host cmdlet when you error check. Conceptually, throwing an exception is the more logical approach, but using...
$gpmNewGpo = $gpmDomain.CreateGPO() # Create the GPO $gpmNewGpo.DisplayName = “My New Windows PowerShell GPO” # Set the name of the GPO 现在,您已经学会如何创建 GPO,让我们打开一个现有的 GPO。您仍具有对域 $gpmDomain 的引用,因此请键入以下内容:复制 ...