Display the values of all environment variables: Get-Childitem -path env: or gci env: | Sort-Object name Display the value of the COMPUTERNAME environment variable: Get-Childitem env:computername This can be made easier if you first Set-Location (cd) to the Env: Drive cd env: Then to ...
The .NETSystem.Environmentclass Use the variable syntax You can display and change the values of environment variables with the following syntax: $Env:<variable-name> For example, to display the value of theWINDIRenvironment variable: PowerShell ...
PowerShell 複製 (Get-Service).DisplayName Output 複製 Application Experience Application Layer Gateway Service Windows All-User Install Agent Application Identity Application Information ... 所有集合都有 Count 屬性,可傳回集合中的物件數目。PowerShell 複製 (Get-Service).Count ...
functionTest1 {param($a,$b)# Display the parameters in dictionary format.$PSBoundParameters}functionTest2 {param($a,$b)# Run the Test1 function with $a and $b.Test1 @PSBoundParameters } PowerShell Test2-aPower-bShell Output Key Value --- --- a Power b Shell $PS...
1.5.2 Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.displayName.Contains("File")} | Select name,DisplayName 可以筛选出两列数据,列名用逗号分隔 1.6 查看环境变量 [environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%HomeDrive%%HomePath%") [environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%Home%") ...
Any environment variables, like $ENV:TEMP Only the following comparison operators are permitted: -eq (equal) -gt (greater-than) -lt (less-than) Assignment statements, property references, and method calls aren't permitted. ConstrainedLanguage mode ConstrainedLanguage mode is designed to allow basic...
Status Name DisplayName --- --- --- Stopped AJRouter AllJoyn Router Service Stopped ALG Application Layer Gateway Service Stopped AppIDSvc Application Identity ... 备注 ForEach() 和Where() 方法都是固有成员。 有关内部成员的详细信息,请参阅 about_Intrinsic_Members。获取数组的成员若要获取...
(don't forget the period mark) and press Tab, Windows PowerShell will display Clone(), the first method of the String type. If you keep pressing Tab, Windows PowerShell will cycle through all the available methods. Essentially, when you do this, Windows PowerShell is showing you what it...
Windows PowerShell Tip: Creating and Modifying Environment Variables Windows PowerShell Tip: Determining the Size of a Folder Windows PowerShell Tip: Displaying a Message in the Notification Area Windows PowerShell Tip: Filtering Collections With Regular Expressions Windows PowerShell Tip: Finding All th...
## Display the arguments by name "First named argument is: $firstNamedArgument" "Second named argument is: $secondNamedArgument" function GetArgumentsFunction { ## We could use a param statement here, as well ## param($firstNamedArgument, [int] $secondNamedArgument = 0) ...