DISABLE_TELEMETRY- 此属性通过设置POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT环境变量来控制用于禁用 PowerShell 遥测的选项。 INSTALLFOLDER- 此属性控制安装目录。 默认为$env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\。 这是安装程序创建版本控制子文件夹的位置。 无法更改版本控制子文件夹的名称。
about_Telemetry about_Thread_Jobs about_Throw about_Trap about_Try_Catch_Finally about_Types.ps1xml about_Type_Accelerators about_Type_Operators about_Updatable_Help about_Update_Notifications about_Using about_Variables about_Variable_Provider about_While about_Wildcards about_Windows_...
代码语言:javascript 复制 .\Win11Debloat.ps1-DisableTelemetry 禁用Cortana: 代码语言:javascript 复制 .\Win11Debloat.ps1-DisableCortana 禁用OneDrive: 代码语言:javascript 复制 .\Win11Debloat.ps1-DisableOneDrive 禁用Windows Defender: 代码语言:javascript 复制 .\Win11Debloat.ps1-DisableWindowsDefender 移除不需要的...
about_Telemetry about_Thread_Jobs about_Throw about_Trap about_Try_Catch_Finally about_Types.ps1xml about_Type_Accelerators about_Type_Operators about_Updatable_Help about_Update_Notifications about_Using about_Variables about_Variable_Provider
Windows Powershell Script to Disable Windows Telemetry Activities This Windows Powershell script was "borrowed" from 4sysops.com and then modified. MS thinks that your windows system is there for their benefit and no matter how you answer the questions about "opting in", they continue to collect...
The IP Address is never included in the telemetry data or stored in the database. For more information, see Geolocation and IP address handling. PowerShell sends the following information during the session: The count of calls to the PowerShell.Create() API The names and versions of Microsoft...
A simple, easy to use PowerShell script to remove pre-installed apps from Windows, disable telemetry, remove Bing from Windows search as well as perform various other changes to declutter and improve your Windows experience. This script works for both Wi
about_Telemetry about_Thread_Jobs about_Throw about_Trap about_Try_Catch_Finally about_Types.ps1xml about_Type_Accelerators about_Type_Operators about_Updatable_Help about_Update_Notifications about_Using about_Variables about_Variable_Provider about_While about_Wildcards about_Windows_PowerShell_C...
TelemetryManagement TroubleshootingPack TrustedPlatformModule UserAccessLogging Wdac Whea 三、Windows 8 Developer Preview中的PowerShell 3.0的命令与别名 ac asnp clc cli clp clv compare cpi cpp cvpa dbp diff ebp epal epcsv fc fl foreach % ft fw gal gbp gc gci gcm gdr gcs ghy gi gl gm gmo ...
about_Telemetry about_Thread_Jobs about_Throw about_Trap about_Try_Catch_Finally about_Types.ps1xml about_Type_Accelerators about_Type_Conversion about_Type_Operators about_Updatable_Help about_Update_Notifications about_Using about_Variables about_Variable_Provider about_While about_Wildcards about...