Enable COM+ Network Access(DCOM-in) and all rules of Remote Event log Management to use Computer Management remotely: #在HyperV主机上,执行下列命令/dothis on HyperV server: netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)"new enable=yes netsh advfirewall fire...
Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Remote Desktop" Once you complete the steps, you can use the Remote Desktop modern app or the old Remote Desktop Connection app to access your computer remotely, even with the firewall enabled from Windows 10. Disable Remote Desktop from PowerShell To disa...
PowerShell Direct enables you to run a Windows PowerShell cmdlet or script inside a VM from the host operating system regardless of network, firewall, and remote management configurations.Next unit: Use Windows PowerShell to remotely administer a server Previous Next ...
Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Windows Firewall Remote Management" -Enabled True Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI)" -Enabled True Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Remote Desktop" -Enabled True Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Windows Remote Management"...
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network \Network Connections\Windows Firewall\Domain Profile 此原則可讓 管理員 istrators 群組的成員建立 Windows 遠端管理 (WinRM) 服務的防火牆例外狀況。如果原則設定不正確,您可能會收到下列錯誤:用戶端無法連線到要求中指定的目的地。 確認目的地上的服務正在執行,...
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network \Network Connections\Windows Firewall\Domain Profile 此策略允许管理员组成员为 Windows 远程管理 (WinRM) 服务创建防火墙例外。 如果策略配置不正确,可能会收到以下错误: 客户端无法连接到请求中指定的目标。 验证目标上的服务是否正在运行并正在接受请求。
當您對等互連VNet-Hub與VNet-Spoke時,請務必設定AllowGatewayTransit。 當您對等互連VNet-Spoke與VNet-Hub時,請設定UseRemoteGateways。 本文稍後的建立路由一節會說明如何建立這些路由。 注意 「Azure 防火牆」必須能夠直接連線到網際網路。 若您的AzureFirewallSubnet子網路得知透過 BGP 傳送至內部部署網路的預設路由,...
allow-routing : disable#Create an address (type iprange)Add-FGTFirewallAddress-Name MyRange-startip192.0.2.1-endip192.0.2.100name : MyRange q_origin_key : MyRange uuid : a683a420-3d6e-51eb-5c90-f471f85943e8 type : iprange sub-type : sdn ...
组策略路径: Computer configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Remote Management (WinRM)\WinRM Service 注意:在防火墙端放行远程连接的端口 开启远程管理服务 Enable-PSRemoting 关闭远程管理服务 Disable-PSRemoting 连接说明# PowerShell可以通过两种方法实现远程处理 ...
Tip: If you want to test remoting but don't have a second machine, then create a 'Remote Session' to your own own machine. Explicitly, if your machine is called 'KingMachine', then try: New-PSSession -computername KingMachine. Weird - yes, illogical - maybe, but this technique will ...