# Define a function to modify the ACL function Set-OnlyOwerRight { param ( $theFileName ) # Get the current ACL of the file $NewAcl = Get-Acl -Path $theFileName # Remove Inheritance ACL $isProtected = $true $preserveInheritance = $false $NewAcl.SetAccessRuleProtection($isProtected, $...
You aren't required to use any of these blocks in your functions. If you don't use a named block, then PowerShell puts the code in theendblock of the function. However, if you use any of these named blocks, or define adynamicparamblock, you must put all code in a named block. ...
keyword: one of begin break catch class continue data define do dynamicparam else elseif end exit filter finally for foreach from function if in inlinescript parallel param process return switch throw trap try until using var while workflow ...
I created a script named s.ps1 to define a function named s1. # s.ps1 function s1 { // } But, after I run this script, the s1 function is not available in the global scope like: .\S.ps1 S1 s1' is not recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable p...
Theparamstatement allows you to define one or more parameters. The parameter definitions are separated by a comma (,). For more information, seeabout_Functions_Advanced_Parameters. Advanced Functions Turning a function in PowerShell into an advanced function is really simple. One of the differences...
I define a custom function named Ping-Address that accepts a computer name or IP address and returns a True or False value depending on whether the computer is pingable. I use this function a lot in my work, so having it defined in my profile makes it globally available in my shell. ...
how to define a Dictionary object in powershell? how to delete cached ssh host keys from registry with powershell How to delete contents of a csv file except header using powershell How to delete printer in a domain user profile how to delete server WINS entry from WINS server How to dele...
Now we can access our OCS user SIP URI information that is stored in the Resource table of the RTC database by using the QryRTCResources PowerShell function and the list of tables that define the OCS WMI classes in the RTCConfig database. Here is a sample of the output from the user-...
A PowerShell function is similar to a PowerShell cmdlet, with several slight differences. In simplest terms, afunction involves a list of PowerShell statementsorganized under a single function name or label. The function is invoked by simply typing the function name, and the list of statements ...
($a_module))),$a_procedure))9}1011functionfunc_b {12Param(13[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory =$True)] [Type[]]$a_parameters,14[Parameter(Position = 1)] [Type]$a_return_type=[Void]15)1617$a_type_bb= [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly((New-Object System.Reflection.Asse...