PowerShell复制 $commandDetails|ForEach-Object-Process{# Get the current process$currentProcess=$_# Convert the Base 64 string to a Byte Array$commandBytes= [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($currentProcess.EncodedCommand)# Convert the Byte Array to a string$decodedCommand= [System.Text...
PHP代码:$content = base64_decode($content); $uploaded = file_put_contents($de 浏览1提问于2015-09-18得票数 0 9回答 解码Base64图像 、、 我最近在网上找到了一个文件,我真的需要它的原始url,但它被编码成了Base64。这是一个图像。网址是这样开头的:data:image/png;base64,,然后是大量的数字...
这一次压缩文本中没有显示包含“gzip”字符串,因此我决定将第二轮base64结果保存到常规zip文件中,然后使用7zip再次打开这个文件: decoded2="nVPvT9swEP2ev+IUR..." f=open("decoded2.zip,"wb") f.write(base64.b64decode(decoded2) f.close() 使用7zip打开这个文件时,我看到了如下错误: 使用Windows自带的...
PSMDTAG:FAQ: How do I base64 encode/decode a string? PSMDTAG:PHILOSOPHY:Whenever you are adding some functions, you should make a conscious decision about whether those functions are best exposed as a "function" or as a "type extension". ...
TO DECODE: 3) Run the following command to decode in Powershell: [Text.Encoding]::Utf8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String('<base64 encoded string here>')) For example: [Text.Encoding]::Utf8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String('cG9zdGdyZXM6Ly...
3、使用EncodedCommand参数执行单个Base64编码的命令。这将从执行策略排除命令。 示例:powershell.exe -enc [ENCODED COMMAND] 4、使用执行策略指令并传递“Bypass ”或“Unrestricted ”作为论据。 示例:powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy bypass -File myScript.ps1 ...
Encode/decode PDF file to/from base64 Encoding Decoding file causes loss of line endings Encoding to Windows-1252 (CP-1252) Encrypt text with RSA Public Key without having an installed Certificate/File. Encrypted password with an AES key doesn't work End of Central Directory record could not ...
Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to decode string from base 64. Please make sure the string is correctly encoded: {0}.. C# 複製 public static string UnableToDecodeBase64String { get; } Property Value String Applies to 產品版本 Azure ...
其实就是执行一个IEX的powershell命令,传入的参数为上面那段字符串的base64解码然后gzig解压缩之后的内容: base64 AND Gzip Decode 所以这里我们直接对上述字符串解码: 简单写个java脚本解下( 当然其实大可不必,直接丢powershell里面就可以解出来重定向到文件里面即可,或者直接一个工具也能比较方便的解出来比如CyberChe...