By utilizing these properties, you can perform advanced calculations, manipulate specific components, or extract information as needed. In addition to properties, the DateTime object has methods, such as “IsDaylightSavingTime()” to check if daylight savings time is ON. Formatting Date and Time in...
$date1 = Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970" $date2 = Get-Date (New-TimeSpan -Start $date1 -E...
$PSSCRIPTROOT Represents the directory from which a script is being run. $PSSENDERINFO Represents information about the user who started the PSSession, including the user identity and the time zone of the originating computer. $PSUICULTURE Represents the name of the user interface (UI) culture t...
[int]$month = (Get-Date).Month Write-Host $month This returns the month (2) and is based on the 12 month calendar. This can be useful for time-based logic with regards to seasons or months. Suppose that in our trading script we want to check if the current season is still spring ...
Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that a computed value for a volatile function is cached for automatic recalculations. -1: Calculates once when the workbook loads. 0: Always calculates. 1 to 2073600: Caches 1 second to 24 days. ...
Summary:Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to easily convert decimal to binary and back, and simplify custom subnet mask calculations. Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson here. Today is 63. Yep, that is right, today is 63. That is what you get when you see 11 11 11 represented as binar...
PS H:> (Get-Date '01-01-1970 00:00:00').TolocalTime().AddSeconds(15638400) Wednesday 1 July 1970 01:00:00 Wrong again...This seems to be a bug in the (lack of) implementation of DST conversion in time calculations to me.
We now have the PowerShell Saturday section of our website set up. Go to the site to see information about time, date and location or sign up to become a speaker! Read More April 17th Meetup Pester is a test framework for PowerShell. It allows you to define all kinds of test cases ...
object. This value type is a LargeInteger representing dates as the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601, 12:00 AM. The time is always stored in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). ThePasswordLastSetproperty converts this LargeInteger into a date-time value in the current time ...