Get-Date -format M.d.yyyy Nothing too fancy here: we simply use the –format parameter followed by the desired format (including the periods). What if we wanted to show the year, the abbreviated name of the month, and then the day, all separated by blank spaces?
Get-Date [[-Date] <DateTime>] [-Year <Int32>] [-Month <Int32>] [-Day <Int32>] [-Hour <Int32>] [-Minute <Int32>] [-Second <Int32>] [-Millisecond <Int32>] [-DisplayHint <DisplayHintType>] [-Format <String>] [-AsUTC] [<CommonParameters>]Power...
InstalledOn : Caption : Description : InstallDate : Name : Status : CSName : FixComments : HotFixID : KB4533002 InstalledBy : ServicePackInEffect : PSComputerName : CimClass : root/cimv2:Win32_QuickFixEngineering CimInstanceProperties : {Caption, Description, InstallDate, Name…} CimSystemPrope...
ss tt MonthDayPattern : MMMM dd PMDesignator : PM RFC1123Pattern : ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss'GMT'ShortDatePattern : M/d/yyyy ShortTimePattern : h:mm tt SortableDateTimePattern : yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss TimeSeparator : : UniversalSortableDateTimePattern : yyyy'-'MM'...
function Get-NewPix { $start = Get-Date -Month 1 -Day 1 -Year 2010 $allpix = Get-ChildItem -Path $env:UserProfile\*.jpg -Recurse $allpix | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $Start} } You can create a toolbox of useful small functions. Add these functions to your PowerShell ...
PowerShell Bonus: Getting an Array of Day/Month Names To tell you the truth this has nothing to do with the Get-Date cmdlet, but we decided to tack this on to this week’s tip because we found in interesting. The .NET Framework classSystem.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfois designed to ...
Namespace: Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CostManagement.Support Assembly: Az.CostManagement.private.dll C# 複製 public static Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CostManagement.Support.ReportTimeframeType MonthToDate; Field Value ReportTimeframeType Applies to 產...
PSE:>@'>> Get-Date>> $Env:CommonProgramFiles>> #Script End>> "files count">> (ls).Count>> #Script Really End>>> '@>myscript.ps1>>PSE:>.MyScript.ps12019年3月27日18:15:10C:\ProgramFiles\CommonFilesfilescount20 Here-String以@'开头,以'@结束.任何文本都可以存放在里面,哪怕是一些...
可以通过-Format参数自定义日期和时间的格式。例如: # 以自定义格式输出当前日期和时间 $now = Get-Date $formattedDate = $now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") Write-Output $formattedDate 1. 2. 3. 4. 常用的格式化字符串包括: yyyy:四位数年份 ...
Get-Date|Format-List 输出: DisplayHint : DateTimeDate : 08/03/2022 12:00:00 amDay : 8DayOfWeek : WednesdayDayOfYear : 68Hour : 20Kind : LocalMillisecond : 671Minute : 18Month : 3Second : 1Ticks : 637824538816714508TimeOfDay : 20:18:01.6714508Year : 2022DateTime : Wednesday, 9 March 202...