The DiagInterDtmfGapInMilisecs parameter specifies the time in milliseconds between each digit sent in the digit sequence. This is a single value. Type:Int32 Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False ...
命令 Get-CimInstance-ClassNameWin32_LocalTime 输出 Day : 13 DayOfWeek : 4 Hour : 19 Milliseconds : Minute : 6 Month : 6 Quarter : 2 Second : 34 WeekInMonth : 3 Year : 2024 PSComputerName :
Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds allowed for the initial SSH connection to complete. If the connection doesn't complete within the specified time, an error is returned. This parameter was introduced in PowerShell 7.2 Expand table Type: Int32 Position: Named Default val...
Specify the name of a PowerShell variable that will be assigned the SQL Server run-time statistics when the cmdlet is executed. Common use for this parameter is to capture the ExecutionTime (the cumulative amount of time (in milliseconds) that the provider has spent processing the cmdlet), or...
Time delay before a reboot is initiated, in milliseconds. It is used after a system power cycle, local or remote system reset, and automatic system reset. A value of –1 (minus one) indicates that the pause value is unknown CsPCSystemType Type of the computer in use, such as laptop,...
-NoProfileLoadTime Hides the PowerShell profile load time text shown at startup when the load time exceeds 500 milliseconds. -OutputFormat | -o | -of Determines how output from PowerShell is formatted. Valid values are "Text" (text strings) or "XML" (serialized CLIXML format). Example: pw...
Set-UevConfiguration -CurrentComputerUser -SyncTimeoutInMilliseconds <超时(以毫秒为单位)> 为当前用户设置同步超时。 Set-UevConfiguration -Computer -MaxPackageSizeInBytes <大小字节数> 将UE-V Agent 配置为在设置包文件大小达到定义的阈值时进行报告。 设置阈值包大小字节数。 Set-UevConfiguration -CurrentCompu...
Specify the name of a PowerShell variable that will be assigned the SQL Server run-time statistics when the cmdlet is executed. Common use for this parameter is to capture the ExecutionTime (the cumulative amount of time (in milliseconds) that the provider has spent processing the cmdlet), or...
Milliseconds Allows sleep time to be specified in milliseconds. MyInvocation Contains information about the identity of this cmdlet and how it was invoked. (Inherited from PSCmdlet) PagingParameters If the cmdlet declares paging support (via SupportsPaging), then PagingParameters property contains ...
Milliseconds : -270 Ticks : -2707415 TotalDays : -3.13358217592593E-06 TotalHours : -7.52059722222222E-05 TotalMinutes : -0.00451235833333333 TotalSeconds : -0.2707415 TotalMilliseconds : -270.7415 If I need to double-check the time source settings on the remote time server, I use theW32tmcommand ...