您應該建立變數名稱來描述儲存在其中的資料。 例如,儲存使用者帳戶的變數可以是$user,而儲存記錄檔名稱的變數可以是$logFileName。 在大部分情況下,您將發現變數會與貨幣符號 ($) 搭配使用。 符號$不是變數名稱的一部分,但可區分變數與 Windows PowerShell 的其他語法元素。 例如,$user會指定名為user的...
TypeName: System.String Name MemberType Definition --- --- --- Length Property int Length {get;} 如需PowerShell 中變數的詳細資訊,請參閱 about_Variables。 使用環境提供者和專案 Cmdlet PowerShell 的環境 提供者提供介面,讓您以類似文件系統磁碟驅動器的格式與環境變數互動。 它可讓您在 PowerS...
We show you how to make string variables that contain not only a computer name but can also tell you if that computer is up and running. Learn how to create date and time variables that can automatically format their data without the use of external functions. Join this session to see how...
默认值为本地计算机上的$PSSessionConfigurationName首选项变量的值。 如果未设置此首选项变量,则默认值 Microsoft.PowerShell。 有关详细信息,请参阅about_Preference_Variables。 类型:String Position:Named 默认值:None 必需:False 接受管道输入:True 接受通配符:False ...
private string _name = "PowerShellIsolatedStore"; /// name of store [Parameter] public string Name { get { return _name; } set { _name = value; } } When you create a parameter, you should choose whether it is positional or named. With a positional parameter you don't need to prov...
PS>$strval= [string]'7' Another benefit of objects is the ability to group objects into collections of objects. Collections are like an array without a predefined limit. You can create a collection like this: PowerShell PS>$col=1,3,4,6,7,9 ...
param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="Computer")] [string[]]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="User")] [string[]]$UserName, [Parameter()] [switch]$Summary ) 每个参数中只能指定一个 ParameterSetName 值,每个 Parameter 属性中只能指定一个 ParameterSetName...
param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="Computer")] [string[]]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="User")] [string[]]$UserName, [Parameter()] [switch]$Summary ) 每个参数中只能指定一个 ParameterSetName 值,每个 Parameter 属性中只能指定一个 ParameterSetName ...
Referencing Variables and Variable Values Removing Items From Arrays The String’s the Thing Three Things You Might Not Know About Windows PowerShell Functions Using Windows PowerShell “Here-Strings” Using the Range Operator in Wildcard Queries What Is (and What Isn’t) in Our Array? Windows ...
Get-Variable Cmdlet Gets the variables in the current console. New-Variable Cmdlet Creates a new variable. Set-Variable Cmdlet Sets the value of a variable. Creates the variable if one with the requested name does not exist. Remove-Variable Cmdlet Deletes a variable and its value. ...