{ #create a new ArrayList to remove $split[0] $newArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList] $split $newArray.Remove($exString) # update $split and $line $split = $newArray $line = $newArray -join(" ") } # remove the lines that has less than 7 elements if ($split.count -ge 7)...
[System.Collections.ArrayList]::new($includedColumnsAndTables)Connect-AzAccountSelect-AzSubscription-SubscriptionId$subscriptionId# use if it's safe to show password in script, otherwise use PromptForCredential# $user = "username"# $password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "password" -AsPlai...
代码如下: $LinkedList=$nullfunctionCreateLinkedList([ref]$LinkedList){$ListLength=Read-Host"请输入链表的长度"$LinkedList.Value=[ref][PSCustomObject]@{data=$null;next=$null}$p=$LinkedList.Valuefor($i=1;$i-le$ListLength-1;$i++){$temp=Read-Host"请输入第 $i 个数值"$p.Value.data=$temp$...
Create multiple local user accounts with text file and disable them after a period of time time with powershell script. Create New Excel Worksheets Create object reference by specifying PID Create Outlook email draft (with HTML formatting) using PowerShell Create powershell object using dynamic prope...
Debug(db) ErrorAction(ea) ErrorVariable(ev) InformationAction(infa) InformationVariable(iv) OutVariable(ov) OutBuffer(ob) PipelineVariable(pv) ProgressAction(proga) Verbose(vb) WarningAction(wa) WarningVariable(wv) ПараметрыДействия—этозначениятипов Action...
Performing operation "Create File" on Target "Destination: C:\ps-test\test.txt". [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): s PS C:\ps-test> Get-Help New-Item -Parameter ItemType -ItemType <string> Specifies the provider-...
One thing you should know is that this isn’t exactly the most performant way to do this. For every item I’m creating a brand new array. If I was going to pipe a lot of items I would probably be better off using an ArrayList and converting it to an array at the end. I’ll le...
Well, one array type that’s worth investigating is theSystem.Collections.ArrayListclass. To use this array type, all we have to do is use theNew-Objectcmdlet to create a new instance of the ArrayList class, an instance that we’ve named $a: ...
Can we use "System.Collections.ArrayList" for the last example? Assuming that we could lock the collection via something like /or BTW: List of Thread Safe Collections EDIT: Years later I discover that [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary[string,object]]::new() is case-sensitive. ...