Method 3: Create a Time-Stamped Log File Using a Function in PowerShell ISE The log file can also be created in PowerShell with a timestamp inside it. In this method, we will be using the “Get-Date” cmdlet to create a time-stamped log file in PowerShell. Example This example will...
您可以透過 Win32_LogonSessionWMI 類別取得與使用者相關聯之登入工作階段的一般資訊: PowerShell Get-CimInstance-ClassNameWin32_LogonSession 讓使用者登入計算機 您可以使用 Win32_ComputerSystem,顯示登入特定電腦系統的使用者。 這個指令只會傳回登入系統桌面的使用者: ...
Create Log File with Copy-Item Create multiple local user accounts with text file and disable them after a period of time time with powershell script. Create New Excel Worksheets Create object reference by specifying PID Create Outlook email draft (with HTML formatting) using PowerShell Create ...
Set-Date Set-MarkdownOption 在6.1 中添加 Set-PSBreakpoint Set-TraceSource Set-Variable Show-Command 仅限Windows Show-Markdown 在6.1 中添加 Sort-Object Start-Sleep Tee-Object Test-Json Trace-Command Unblock-File 7\.0 中新增 macOS 支持 Unregister-Event Linux/macOS 上没有可用的事...
So, how do we make use of this information? Here’s a script to create a database, using the server’s default file and log locations: PowerShell #createsimpledb.ps1#Creates a new database using defaults[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') |out-null...
$events = Get-EventLog -LogName system | Where-Object { $_.eventID -eq $startUpID -OR $_.eventID -eq $shutDownID -and $_.TimeGenerated -ge $startingDate } 请记住,此命令只能本地运行。在 Windows PowerShell 2.0 中,您可以使用 –computerName 参数来远程运行此命令。下...
在Active Directory中检索LogonDate是指从AD中获取用户的登录日期和时间。用户的登录日期指的是他们最近一次登录到AD域的日期。 为了在Active Directory中检索LogonDate,可以使用PowerShell的Active Directory模块(RSAT-AD-PowerShell)和Get-ADUser命令。以下是具体的步骤: ...
修复因使用 PremiumLRS 存储帐户类型重命名而在 New-AzureRmVm 中使用 DiskFileParameterSet 创建 VM 失败的问题。 修复Invoke-AzureRmVMRunCommand cmdlet 更新Get-AzureRmAvailabilitySet 以启用列出订阅中的所有可用性集。 (ResouceGroupName 参数现在是可选的。) ...
You can very easily change the date value, and you can pipe the output to the Resolve-Alert cmdlet.Test Alerts Sometimes you want to be able to monitor certain events in the Windows Event Viewer and test for them. These two lines will create a quick event log entry:...