if (Test-Path $Link) { throw "A file or directory already exists at the link path.`nLink: $Link" } $isDirectory = (Get-Item $Target).PSIsContainer $mklinkArg = "" if ($Symlink -and $isDirectory) { $mkLinkArg = "/D" } if ($Junction) { # Ensure we are linking a directory....
Junction可以链接到另一个目录,使得该目录中的所有文件和子目录都可以通过Junction访问。Junction只能在同一文件系统中使用。在Windows中,使用mklink /j 命令创建Junction。 总结:Linux系统中有符号链接(软连接)和硬链接两种链接类型,而Windows系统中有符号链接、硬链接和Junction三种链接类型。在使用这些链接类型时,需要注意...
將參數 ReplyTo 新增至 Send-MailMessage (#8727) (感謝 @replicaJunction!) 新增已淘汰的訊息至 Send-MailMessage (#9178) 修正Restart-Computer 以在沒有 WinRM 時於 localhost 中運作 (#9160) 讓Start-Job 在裝載 PowerShell 時擲回終止錯誤 (#9128) 為ushort、uint、ulong 和簡短常值新增 C...
cmd /c mklink /d c:\path\to\symlink c:\target\directory 对于硬链接,我建议了类似的东西 Sysinternals Junction..智能推荐Linux 软链接和硬链接简介 序号 命令 作用 01 ln -s 被链接的源文件 链接文件 建立文件的软链接,用通俗的方式将类似于Windows下的快捷方式 注意: 1、没有 -s 选项建立的是一个...
Junction HardLink The -Path parameter was used to specify the path of the new item’s location; when this parameter is omitted, the default will be the current location represented with a dot (.). Now, if you want to create a temporary file in the temporary directory, you can do that...
PS D:\> New-Item -ItemType Junction -Name tmp -Target $env:TEMP PS D:\> Get-ChildItem | Select-Object name, LinkTarget Name LinkTarget --- --- tmp C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\Temp PS D:\> Get-ChildItem Directory: D:\ Mode LastWriteTime Length Name --- --- --- --- l-...
JunctionNew-JunctionCreates NTFS directory junctions.PscxLocationSet-PscxLocationCD function that tracks location history allowing easy navigation to previous locations.LoremIpsumGet-LoremIpsumPSCX Cmdlet:MacOs9LineEndingConvertTo-MacOs9LineEndingConverts the line endings in the specified file to Mac OS9...
Directory SymbolicLink Junction HardLink Cmdlets supported New-Item Using the pipeline Provider cmdlets accept pipeline input. You can use the pipeline to simplify task by sending provider data from one cmdlet to another provider cmdlet. To read more about how to use the pipeline with provider cmdle...
For instance, if we are in a location which is in FileSystem then, we can use File, Directory, SymbolicLink, Junction, HardLink as values for the -ItemType parameter. Use the ni Alias Use ni to create an empty .txt file in PowerShell. Use ni Alias 1 2 3 ni -Path "E:\New...
Beginning in PowerShell 7.4, this parameter also allows you to overwrite an existing Junction. Previously, this would fail with a "cannot be removed because it is not empty" error. Type:SwitchParameter Position:Named Default value:None