Table documentation Overview Quickstarts Tutorials Samples Azure CLI Azure PowerShell Overview Create account and table Create with autoscale Perform throughput operations Lock resources from deletion List and get tables Account keys or connection strings ...
Learn how to use a PowerShell script to update the throughput for a database or a container in Azure Cosmos DB for Table
$table.columns.add($col1) $table.columns.add($col2)#Create a row $row = $table.NewRow()#Enter data in the row $row.ColumnName1 = "A" $row.ColumnName2 = "1"#Add the row to the table $table.Rows.Add($row)#Display the table $table | format-table -AutoSize#...
ColorTable07 : 12632256 ColorTable08 : 8421504 ColorTable09 : 16711680 ColorTable10 : 65280 ColorTable11 : 16776960 ColorTable12 : 255 ColorTable13 : 16711935 ColorTable14 : 65535 ColorTable15 : 16777215 CursorSize : 25 EnableColorSelection : 0 ExtendedEditKey : 0 ExtendedEditKeyCustom : 0 ...
Write-Output "Creating a new job..." $jobName = "Job1" $job = $jobAgent | New-AzSqlElasticJob -Name $jobName -RunOnce $job Write-Output "Creating job steps..." $sqlText1 = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE object_id = object_id('Step1Table')) CREATE TABLE [...
example, if I want to create a custom column header in a table, I have to use a hash table. A hash table consists of one or more key value pairs (of course, it is possible to create an empty hash table that contains no key value pairs, but let’s go with the easy description ...
类型:Hashtable Position:Named 默认值:None 必需:False 接受管道输入:False 接受通配符:False -Port 指定用于此命令的远程计算机上的网络端口。 在PowerShell 6.0 中,此参数包含在支持安全外壳(SSH)连接的 HostName参数集中。 WinRM(ComputerName 参数集) ...
[string] $migrationTable=$(“”), [switch] $copyAcl) { $gpm = New-Object -ComObject GPMgmt.GPM # Create the GPMC Main object $gpmConstants = $gpm.GetConstants() # Load the GPMC constants $gpmSourceDomain = $gpm.GetDomain($sourceDomain, “”, $gpmConstants.UseAnyDC) # Connect to ...
Although the New-Variable cmdlet in Windows PowerShell does allow you to declare a variable and assign an initial value to it, you don't have to use the cmdlet. Instead, you can create a new variable on the fly simply by assigning a value to it: ...
PowerShell uses default formatters to define how object types are displayed. You can use.ps1xmlfiles to create custom views that display an output table with specified properties. After a custom view is created, use theViewparameter to display the table with your custom view. For more informatio...