Can I Exclude A Single Folder Using Copy-Item? Can I get AD User Office location? Can not execute powershell script from shared folder Can PowerShell be used to delete hidden USB/COM Ports? Can PowerShell restore previous versions of files/folders via Volume Shadow Services (VSS)? Can some...
当然反过来,如果不懂.NET的朋友也没有关系,见到一个有用的就学一个,也没有必要为了更好的使用PowerShell就去把.NET学一遍——虽然这也是一件很有意义的事。 [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($env:windir).Count 这段代码要着重说一下,据砖家研究,它的执行速度是第一种方法的20倍。好了,洪哥闭嘴了。 下面...
如果您只需要文件夹的总大小(包括所有子文件夹的大小,递归),这将非常简单,因为FileSystemObject folder....
StickyNoteFolderCount:便笺公用文件夹的数量。 TaskFolderCount:任务公用文件夹的数目。 OtherFolderCount:与任何以前定义的公用文件夹类型不匹配的公用文件夹数。 展开表 Type: SwitchParameter Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False App...
if($textFiles=Get-ChildItem*.txt) {$textFiles.Count } 在此示例中,如果没有文件匹配,Get-ChildItem命令不会返回任何内容,并且不会向$textFiles进行任何赋值,这在布尔上下文中被视为$false。 如果将一个或多个FileInfo对象赋值给$textFiles,则条件计算结果为$true。 可以使用if语句正文中的$textFiles值。
($gpmSourceGpo.Count) { {$_ -eq 0} {throw ‘No GPO named $gpoName found’; return} {$_ -gt 1} {throw ‘More than one GPO named $gpoName found’; return} } if ($migrationTable) { $gpmMigrationTable = $gpm.GetMigrationTable($migrationTable) } $gpmTargetDomain = $gpm.Get...
ApplicationTypeName : MyApplicationType ApplicationTypeVersion : 1.0.0 Status : Available DefaultParameters : { "Stateless1_InstanceCount" = "-1" } 部署包含多个文件的应用程序包 问题:对于包含多个文件(上千个)的应用程序包,Register-ServiceFabricApplicationType 超时。请尝试: 复制到映像存储之前对包进行...
The files that are used to provide the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 functionality to the PowerShell command environment are located in the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Resource Kit CD's PowerShell_Scripts folder. Copy these files to a folder on your Windows client's hard...
如果你想知道Dir返回了多少个文件项,Dir会将结果保存为一个数组,你可以通过数组的的Count属性来读取。下面的命令会告诉你你的家目录下有多少文件(这个操作可能会比较耗时) PS C:\PowerShell> $dd = Dir C:\PowerShell\ -Recurse -include *.ps1,*.txt PS C:\PowerShell> $dd Directory: C:\PowerShell\...
The command and associated output are shown in the following figure. Note that I ran the command twice: the first time without theforceswitched parameter, and the second time using it. But theMeasure-Objectcmdlet does more than just count the number of files in a folder. It can also tell...