Invoke-Command-ComputerName"RemoteComputerName"-ScriptBlock{Get-EventLog-LogNameSystem-Newest50} 这个命令可以在远程计算机上获取最新的系统事件日志。 远程配置防火墙规则: powershellCopy Code Invoke-Command -ComputerName"RemoteComputerName"-ScriptBlock{ New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName"AllowPing"-DirectionInbo...
Example 6: Copy a folder to a remote computer A session is created to the remote computer namedServer01with the credential ofContoso\User01and stores the results in the variable named$Session. TheCopy-Itemcmdlet copies theD:\Folder002folder to theC:\Folder002_Copydirectory on the remote compu...
PS C:\>$Session=New-PSSession-ComputerName"Server01"-Credential"Contoso\PattiFul"PS C:\>Copy-Item"C:\MyRemoteData\scripts"-Destination"D:\MyLocalData\scripts"-FromSession$Session The first command creates a session to the remote computer named Server01 with the credential of Contoso\PattiFul ...
powershellCopy Code Invoke-Command -ComputerName "RemoteComputerName" -ScriptBlock { Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 50 } 這個命令可以在遠端計算機上獲取最新的系統事件日誌。 遠端配置防火牆規則: powershellCopy Code Invoke-Command -ComputerName "RemoteComputerName" -ScriptBlock { New-NetFirewallRu...
Copy file to c:\windows\system32 on Windows64 copy file to remote computer from local with credentials using powershell Copy Files and attributes with Powershell. Copy files cross domain Copy files from Android phone Copy files from one domain to another Copy files from one Server to Another ...
在运维当中,最经常要碰上文件在各个服务器之间的传输,而使用PowerShell来管理服务器的文件传输同样也有很多种方式,如果仅仅是传输些小文件的话,那么像Scp,Sftp,Copy-Item等等这些都能很轻易的解决问题。 但是,如果要传输的文件很大,好几个G,甚至是好几十个G的情况下,这些工具就显得很吃力了。
.DESCRIPTION Get-MrAutoStoppedService is a function that returns a list of services from the specified remote computer(s) that are set to start automatically, are not currently running, and it excludes the services that are set to start automatically with a delayed startup. .PARAMETER Computer...
When you're using PowerShell Copy-Item via the traditional SMB method, you need to specify the Path and Destination parameters. If you'd like to copy a file calledfile1.txtinside ofC:\Folderto a remote computerSERVER1on itsC:\, you could do this: ...
我平时在工作中服务器远程拷贝文件一般会用到scp和rsync scp scp是secure copy的简写,用于在Linux下进行...
在远程桌面使用快捷键win键+r打开运行窗口(或在开始菜单中找到运行) 在搜索框中输入gpedit.msc,然后...