Calls the Amazon S3 CopyObject API operation to copy an existing S3 object to another S3 destination (bucket and/or object), or download a single S3 object to a local file or folder or download object(s) matching a supplied key prefix to a folder.
此處列出的命令假設您已經設定 PowerShell 工作階段的預設憑證與預設區域;所以,cmdlet 並不會呼叫憑證和區域。 注意 目前沒有適用於重新命名儲存貯體或物件的 Amazon S3 API,因此,沒有可執行此任務的單一 Tools for Windows PowerShell cmdlet。若要重新命名 S3 中的物件,建議您執行Copy-S3Objectcmdlet 使用新名稱複...
高级功能 ForEach-Object:循环处理 Where-Object:条件过滤 Select-Object:选择对象属性 Sort-Object:排序对象 Group-Object:分组对象 Measure-Object:测量对象属性 脚本编写与控制结构 变量与数据类型 控制流语句(if, switch, for, foreach, while) 函数和模块 错误处理(try/catch/finally) 安全与权限管理 Get-Acl/...
您可以取得管線 「IterateAndCopySQLTables」 的執行識別碼,並檢查詳細的活動執行結果,如下所示。 PowerShell Write-Host"Pipeline 'IterateAndCopySQLTables' run result:"-ForegroundColor"Yellow"($result|Where-Object{$_.ActivityName-eq"TriggerCopy"}).Output.ToString() ...
Write-Host "Pipeline 'SQLServerToBlobPipeline' run result:" -foregroundcolor "Yellow" ($result | Where-Object {$_.ActivityName -eq "CopySqlServerToAzureBlobActivity"}).Output.ToString() 執行範例的輸出如下: JSON 複製 { "dataRead":36, "dataWritten":32, "filesWritten":1, "sourcePeakConnect...
": {"tableList": {"type":"Object"} } } } 若要创建管道IterateAndCopySQLTables,请运行Set-AzDataFactoryV2Pipelinecmdlet。 PowerShell Set-AzDataFactoryV2Pipeline-DataFactoryName$dataFactoryName-ResourceGroupName$resourceGroupName-Name"IterateAndCopySQLTables"-File".\IterateAndCopySQLTables.json"...
aws s3 cp .\test.csv s3://BUCKET_NAME Bash AWS Tools for PowerShell Write-S3Object -BucketName BUCKET_NAME -File .\test.csv PowerShell The S3 file copy action generates an S3 notification event. This invokes the PowerShell Lambda function, passing the S3 file location details as part...
PowerShell Copy Get-Command | Where-Object { $_.Parameters.Keys -contains 'ComputerName' -and $_.Parameters.Keys -notcontains 'Session' } HOW TO RUN A REMOTE COMMAND To run other commands on remote computers, use the Invoke-Command cmdlet. To run a single command or a few un...
所以我被这个任务卡住了,我需要找到所有DC服务器及其磁盘使用率 我首先尝试获取所有DC服务器,然后添加磁盘使用信息,但不起作用 $getdomain = [System.Directoryservices.Activedirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain() ForEach-Object { $hEntry 浏览21提问于2020-04-23得票数 0 回答已采纳 ...
AWS Tools for PowerShellsupport auto-pagination. Cmdlets likeGet-S3Objectwill internally use, if necessary, multiple service calls in order to retrieve all the values. InAWSPowerShell.NetCoreandAWSPowerShellthe-MaxItemsparameter allows to limit the number of items returned by some cmdlets. This beh...