access denied using remote powershell session and failoverclusters module Access Denied when adding computer to domain through powershell Access denied when importing a certificate Access Denied When Remote Connect Local Machine Access denied when running Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_SystemServices -Comput...
Invoke-Command-ComputerName"RemoteComputerName"-ScriptBlock { <Command> } 这个命令允许您在远程计算机上执行命令或脚本块。 在远程计算机上安装程序: powershellCopy Code Invoke-Command -ComputerName"RemoteComputerName"-ScriptBlock{ Start-Process -FilePath"msiexec.exe"-ArgumentList"/i C:\Path\To\Installer...
在远程桌面使用快捷键win键+r打开运行窗口(或在开始菜单中找到运行) 在搜索框中输入gpedit.msc,然后点...
PS C:\Users\l00379637> Invoke-Command-ComputerName l00379637-ScriptBlock { Get-Service WinRM } Status Name DisplayName PSComputerName --- Running WinRM Windows Remote Management (WS-Manag... 恶意软件利用该命令: https...
ComputerName$ipaddr-Credential$credential# Copy the file to the Nano Server instanceCopy-Item$zipfilec:\-ToSession$session# Enter the interactive remote sessionEnter-PSSession$session# Extract the ZIP fileExpand-Archive-PathC:\'C:\Program Files\Power...
Example 5: Copy a file to a remote computer A session is created to the remote computer namedServer01with the credential ofContoso\User01and stores the results in the variable named$Session. TheCopy-Itemcmdlet copiestest.logfrom theD:\Folder001folder to theC:\Folder001_Copyfolder on the remo...
Copy file to c:\windows\system32 on Windows64 copy file to remote computer from local with credentials using powershell Copy Files and attributes with Powershell. Copy files cross domain Copy files from Android phone Copy files from one domain to another Copy files from one Server to Another ...
Invoke-Command -ComputerName cm-12r2 -FilePath .\task.ps1 1. 我在本地创建了脚本文件 task.ps1,task.ps1 中的脚本创建了一个 test.txt 文件,并把 PowerShell 的版本信息添加到这个文件中。运行上面的命令: 然后在远程机器上看有没有文件创建: ...
You can use PowerShell remoting through the Invoke-Command cmdlet to kick off a process on a remote computer. (You can also use WSMan, a newer, more secure protocol.) To do this, use a combination of two cmdlets: Invoke-Command to enable you to run a command on the remote computer ...
Working with shared/remote files and folders Sometimes you have files and folders shared by someone others. You can list this files and download it to your local computer. To access shared files and other OneDrive drives / SharePoint edit your application permission: Add "Read items and all si...