Copy(Array, Array, int) Copy(Array, Array, long) Copy(Array, int, Array, int, int) Copy(Array, long, Array, long, long) 在此情況下,簽章會因自變數類型而有所不同,在某些情況下,依自變數編號也不同。 在大部分的多載方法呼叫中,傳遞的自變數數目和類型完全符合其中一個多載,而且選取的方法很...
译者注 以上就是说hashtable被视为一个整体对象,因此你使用Measure-Object来获取它的元素个数的时候,你将得不到正确结果.很多初识powershell的童鞋不知道如何获取集合元素的个数,其实一般是通过在管道下一级使用Measure-Object来实现的 measure-object 展示信息中count属性即为集合元素的个数.如果你想要通过程序化的方...
$people|ConvertTo-JSON|Set-Content-Path$path$people=Get-Content-Path$path-Raw|ConvertFrom-JSON 此方法有两个重要方面。 首先,JSON 采用多行编写,因此我需要使用-Raw选项将其读回到单个字符串中。 其次,导入的对象不再是[hashtable]。 它现在是[pscustomobject],如果你不希望是这样,可能会导致问题。
$objDrives = gwmi Win32_logicalDisk –Filter “DriveType = 3” Next I noticed that it was using a foreach loop to create a hashtable. I’ve seen lots of code like this and in talking to a lot of new users, I’ve come the the conclusion that there are a set of beginner users t...
param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] [hashtable]$ComputerInfo ) 备注 如果类型转换器设置为字符串,AllowNull 属性无效,因为字符串类型不接受 null 值。 可以将 AllowEmptyString 属性用于此方案。AllowEmptyString 验证属性AllowEmptyString 属性允许强制参数的值为空字符串("")。 以下示例声明...
TheGet-Servicecmdlet gets the list of services on the computer. The service objects are sent down the pipeline to theSort-Objectcmdlet.Sort-Objectuses thePropertyparameter with a hash table to specify the property names and sort orders. ThePropertyparameter is sorted by two properties,Statusin de...
Time=$eventDatedata= @{ make="Ducati"model="Monster"} dataVersion="1.0"}#Use ConvertTo-Json to convert event body from Hashtable to JSON Object#Append square brackets to the converted JSON payload since they are expected in the event's JSON payload syntax$body="["+(ConvertTo-Json$h...
Automatic unraveling can also be confusing in the context of returning an object from a function call. If you would like to return an enumerable object from a function or script, you’ll want to wrap that object in an array using the unary comma operator. ...
)* 方法总是 * 返回collection-即使输入集合中只有 * 一个 * 元素匹配**;类似地,ForEach-Object与...
Selects objects from indexed collections, such as arrays and hash tables. Array indexes are zero-based, so the first object is indexed as[0]. You can also use negative indexes to get the last values. Hash tables are indexed by key value. ...