工具/原料 操作系统:win10 PowerShell ISE 方法/步骤 1 打开Windows PowerShell ISE 2 输入下面命令。$dirPath = 'C:\test' # 要导成pdf的word文件所在目录地址$wordToPdfLog = Join-Path -Path $dirPath -ChildPath "wordToPdfLog.txt" # 已导文件列表wordToPdfLog$notWordFilelog = Join-Path...
($true) # convert $true to 1.0 and call method [math]::Sqrt("20") # convert "20" to 20 and call method $a = [math]::Sqrt # get method descriptor for Sqrt $a.Invoke(2.0) # call Sqrt via the descriptor $a = [math]::("Sq"+"rt") # get method descriptor for Sqrt $a....
Converts object ... ConvertTo-Html Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Converts Microso... ConvertTo-Xml Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Creates an XML-b... Debug-Runspace Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Starts an intera... Export-Csv Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Converts objects.....
Cannot convert value "Hello" to type "System.Int32". Error: "Input string was not in a correct format." At line:1 char:1 + $number = "Hello" + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : MetadataError: (:) [], ArgumentTransformationMetadataException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException PowerShell [str...
Convert HTML to Excel keeping structure Convert Iso into .VHD file to deploy in azure cloud Convert list of dates to array or object to compare with current date convert ObjectGuid attribute to HEX Convert PDF files to word Convert powershell script (.txt) file to exe. convert String to Dat...
Cheers, Lain silver1979 Here's a condensed option for doing what you asked. $Dictionary=[hashtable]::new();# Fetch the data from the specified file and transform it to a Dictionary.Get-Content-Path.\forums.txt|where{$_-and$_-notmatch"null"}|ForEach-Object{$kvp=$_.Replac...
# Using Write-Host to dump to the screen. Use Out-File if you prefer it goes to file. "[Credentials]`nlanguage=EN`nendpoint=tempstock`naccessKeyID=$($Dictionary["AccessKeyId"])`naccessKeySecret=$($Dictionary["AccessKeySecret"])`nstsToken=$($Dictionary["SecurityTok...
手机的浏览器输入speedpdf进行搜索就能找到,打开后会发现虽然是全英文网页,但也都些日常文档转换格式,比较好分辨,或者在网页处右击翻译成中文即可。...点击进入后选择转换格式中的“PDF to Word”; 然后点击页面上传文件并添加手机里需要转换的PDF文档后,在下方转换列表文档处点击convert开始转换; 等待一会儿,文档转换...
$Word=NEW-OBJECT –COMOBJECT WORD.APPLICATION $Doc=$Word.Documents.Open($File) $Doc.saveas([ref] (($File).replace(“docx”,”pdf”)), [ref] 17) $Doc.close() So that’s all fine and dandy. But what if we have a folder of DOCX files that we want to convert at once?
脚本下载: ConvertPowerPointToWordDocument.ziphttp://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Convert-PowerPoint-d65f3a82 如何将PPT演示稿转换成Word文档是很多公共论坛中经常被问及的问题。该PowerShell脚本示例阐述了如何将PPT转换成Word文档。此外,该脚本会保留PPT最初的格式和布局并减少输出文件的大小。脚本...