$hash請考慮先前範例中定義的和 $dictionary 變數。 PowerShell 複製 $hash | Get-Member -MemberType Properties, ParameterizedProperty Output 複製 TypeName: System.Collections.Hashtable Name MemberType Definition --- --- --- Item ParameterizedProperty System.Object Item(System.Object key) {get;set...
當表示式 為單一鍵名稱時,如果 $null 作為Hashtable 的唯一索引值使用,則會引發 NullArrayIndex 例外狀況。 XML 文件的訂閱功能描述:當主表示式 指定xml 類型的物件時,表達式 會視需要轉換成字元串,而且運算符 [] 傳回第一個子專案,其名稱由 expression所指定。 表示式 的類型必須是字串。 結果的類型...
Here's a condensed option for doing what you asked. $Dictionary = [hashtable]::new(); # Fetch the data from the specified file and transform it to a Dictionary. Get-Content -Path .\forums.txt | where { $_ -and $_ -notmatch "null" } | ForEach-Object { ...
$Dictionary=[hashtable]::new();# Fetch the data from the specified file and transform it to a Dictionary.Get-Content-Path.\forums.txt|where{$_-and$_-notmatch"null"}|ForEach-Object{$kvp=$_.Replace(" ","").Split(':',2);$Dictionary.Add($kvp[0],$kvp[1]);};# Usin...
public static System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TK,TV> HashtableToDictionary<TK,TV> (System.Collections.Hashtable table); Type Parameters TK Key. TV Value. Parameters table Hashtable Hashtable. Returns Dictionary<TK,TV> Dictionary. Applies to ProductVersions Azure -...
ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable。对于 PowerShell 5.1,另一种方法是使用 JavaScrtiptSerializer Class 反序列化您的 Json 字符串,这将为您提供一组 Dictionary`2 对象。 $jsonstring = @' [ { "name": "Aron", "id": 1 }, { "name": "Benny", "id": 2 } ] '@ Add-Type -AssemblyName Sys...
HashtableToDictionary<TK,TV>(Hashtable) HashtableToDictionary. InitDebuggingFilter() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet) InitializeQosEvent() (Inherited from AzureRMCmdlet) IsDataCollectionAllowed() (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet) IsTerminatingError(Exception) (Inherited from AzurePSCmdlet) Is...
New-WSManSessionOption Cmdlet Creates a WS-Management session option hash table to use as input parame… New-ModuleManifest Cmdlet Creates a new module manifest. Format-Table Cmdlet Formats the output as a table. ConvertFrom-StringData Cmdlet Converts a string containing one or more key/value pa...
The suggested correction is to useNew-Objectinstead. The way this is suggested might seem slightly unhelpful here with all the position information, but we’ll see later why this is useful. This dictionary example is a bit artificial of course (since a hashtable would come more naturally), ...
Create a PSObject from a dictionary such as a hashtable.PscxHexFormat-PsxHexSystem.Object[]HostPing-HostSends ICMP echo requests to network hosts.Resolve-HostResolves host names to IP addresses.HostProfileEdit-HostProfileOpens the current user's profile for the current host in a text editor....