在此案例中,您會學習如何建立 Azure SQL Database 內的資料庫和 App Service 應用程式。 然後,您會使用應用程式設定將資料庫連結到應用程式。 您可以視需要使用 Azure PowerShell 指南 \(英文\) 中的指示來安裝 Azure PowerShell,然後執行 Connect-AzAccount 來建立與 Azure 的連線。 範例指令碼 備註 建議您使用...
Write-SqlTableData [-DatabaseName <String>] [-SchemaName <String>] [-TableName <String>] [-IgnoreProviderContext] [-SuppressProviderContextWarning] [-Force] -InputData <PSObject> [-Passthru] [-Timeout <Int32>] [-ConnectToDatabase] [[-ServerInstance] <String[]>] [-Credential <PSCredenti...
server name - the logical server name has to be unique in the system$serverName="server-$(Get-Random)"# The sample database name$databaseName="myImportedDatabase"# The storage account name and storage container name$storageAccountName="sqlimport$(Get-Random)"$storageContainerName="import...
Write-Host'Connected to sql server.' return$SqlConnection } catch[exception]{ Write-Warning('Connect to database failed with error message:{0}'-f,$_) $SqlConnection.Dispose() return$null } } # # 查询返回一个DataTable对象 # functionGet-SqlDataTable { param ( [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlC...
要将架构导入到目标 Azure Database for MySQL,请运行以下命令: mysql.exe -h [servername] -u [username] -p[password] [database]< [schema file path] 例如: mysql.exe -h mysqlsstrgt.mysql.database.azure.com -u docadmin@mysqlsstrgt -p migtestdb < d:\migtestdb.sql ...
Command$odbcCmd# 验证是否更新成功$dsnList=Get-OdbcDsn$dsn=$dsnList|Where-Object{$_.Name-eq$dsnName}if($dsn.Server-eq$serverName-and$dsn.Database-eq$databaseName) {Write-Host"ODBC Data Source '$dsnName' updated successfully."}else{Write-Host"Failed to update ODBC Data Source '$dsnName...
每个对象都与 SQL Server 管理对象模型中的一个类关联。您可以使用该类的方法和属性来针对对象执行工作。例如,如果通过 cd 切换到路径中的某个数据库对象,则可以使用 Microsoft.SqlServer.Managment.SMO.Database 类的方法和属性来管理该数据库。 用来运行涉及到 SQL Server 管理单元的 Windows PowerShell 会话的sql...
You install the software required to run Windows PowerShell scripts by using SQL Server Setup. Beginning in SQL Server 2008, Setup installs the following Windows PowerShell components when you select either the client software or the Database Services nodes: ...
Module: ExchangePowerShell Applies to: Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019This cmdlet is available only in on-premises Exchange. Use the Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer cmdlet to add a Mailbox server to a database availability group (DAG). ...
//database.windows.net/"; grant_type="client_credentials"; client_id=$clientid; client_secret=$secret }` -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" $access_token = $request.access_token # Now that we have the token, we use it to connect to the database 'mydb' on server 'my...