This action aims to run the PowerShell commands on a Windows host. The following figure shows the configuration page.If the PowerShell command to be executed contains mor
The best way to manage command name conflicts is to prevent them. When you name your commands, use a unique name. For example, add your initials or company name acronym to the nouns in your commands. When you import commands into your session from a PowerShell module or from another sessi...
Status Name DisplayName --- --- --- Running W32Time Windows Time 总结 在本章中,你了解了在何处查找以及如何启动 PowerShell。 你还了解了如何确定 PowerShell 的版本和执行策略的目的。 审阅 如何确定计算机正在运行的 PowerShell 版本? 何时应以管理员身份...
At line:1 char:17 + $customObject | Stop-Service + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (@{Service=w32time}:String) [ Stop-Service], ServiceCommandException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoServiceFoundForGivenName,Microsoft.PowerShe ll.Commands.StopServiceCommand 當某個命令的輸出屬性名稱不符合...
PowerShell 是命令行 shell 和用于自动化的脚本语言。 与其他 shell 类似,例如 Linux 上的bash或 Windows Command Shell(cmd.exe),PowerShell 允许你运行系统上可用的任何命令,而不仅仅是 PowerShell 命令。 对于任何操作系统中的任何 shell,有三种类型的命令: ...
error on all commands "Set-Location : The term 'Set-Location' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet" Error on first attempt to use PowerShell Error trying to connect to DB using SMO Error using Invoke-SqlCmd Error using Move-ADObject Error when running startup script Error While Ex...
另请参阅该链接可能指向英文页面) 上的博客文章“一些不错的 WS-MAN (WinRM) 命令”。 使用SharePoint 2010 Management Shell 若要打开 SharePoint 2010 Management Shell,请单击“开始”,然后选择“程序”、“...
PowerShell remoting depends upon the Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service. The service must be running to support remote commands. On server versions of Windows, the WinRM service startup type isAutomatic. However, on client versions of Windows, the WinRM service is disabled by de...
另请参阅该链接可能指向英文页面) 上的博客文章“一些不错的 WS-MAN (WinRM) 命令”。 使用SharePoint 2010 Management Shell 若要打开 SharePoint 2010 Management Shell,请单击“开始”,然后选择“程序”、“...
另请参阅该链接可能指向英文页面) 上的博客文章“一些不错的 WS-MAN (WinRM) 命令”。 使用SharePoint 2010 Management Shell 若要打开 SharePoint 2010 Management Shell,请单击“开始”,然后选择“程序”、“...