See How to install and configure Azure PowerShell for information about installing the latest version of Azure PowerShell, selecting your subscription, and signing in to your account.Some variables might be useful for you if running more than one of the commands in this article:...
While Azure VMs do not support the ability to access WinRE, with the serial console feature, Azure VMs can be managed via SAC. Because SAC is limited to an 80x24 screen buffer with no scroll back, add | more to commands to display the output one page at a time. Use <spacebar> t...
Run the following commands to install Az modules: PowerShell Copy [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Install-Module -Name Az.BootStrapper -Force Install-AzProfile -Profile 2020-09-01-hybrid -Force Install the AzureStack PowerShell modules: PowerShell...
Commands in the AzureRM PowerShell module use the *-AzureRM* format. For more information, see Overview of the AzureRM PowerShell module.The Azure PowerShell moduleYou might also encounter a version of Azure PowerShell named the Azure PowerShell module. This module is for managing legacy ...
The commands in Microsoft Graph PowerShell are autogenerated from the Microsoft Graph API schema making it easier to get faster updates and functionality. The cmdlet reference content is also autogenerated from the API reference. Microsoft Graph PowerShell is the replacement for the Azure AD PowerSh...
string. 在时ScriptType = Inline是必需的。 默认值:# Write your powershell commands here.\n\nWrite-Output "Hello World"。 ScriptArguments-脚本参数 string. 可选。 在时ScriptType = FilePath使用 。 指定PowerShell 脚本的参数。 可以是序号或命名参数,如-testParamtest。 例如:-applicationPath $(applicat...
For example, the following PowerShell commands automatically decrypt encrypted event log messages, provided that an appropriate decryption certificate (i.e.: one that has the private key) is installed on the machine: To retain the structure of the actual event log entry (while just decrypting the...
The following commands are available Get-Command-module SpaceX Launches data Upcoming Get-SXLaunch-Upcoming flight_number : 70 mission_name : Es’hail 2 mission_id : {} launch_year : 2018 launch_date_unix : 1541030400 launch_date_utc : 2018-11-01T00:00:00.000Z launch_date_local : 2018-...
defender-for-office-365 devices email-addresses-and-address-books encryption-and-certificates federation-and-hybrid Get-MailFlowStatusReport Get-VivaFeatureCategory mail-flow mailbox-databases-and-servers mailboxes Commands Add-MailboxFolderPermission Add-MailboxPermission Add-RecipientPermission Connect-Mailbox...
Commands active-directory antispam-antimalware client-access client-access-servers database-availability-groups defender-for-office-365 devices email-addresses-and-address-books encryption-and-certificates federation-and-hybrid Get-MailFlowStatusReport Get-VivaFeatureCategory mail-flow mailbox-databases-and-se...