TheWindows Update Automatic Update Client (WUAUCLT)is a command-line utility used to manage Windows updates on older versions of Windows, such as Windows 7 and Windows Server 2012R2. This tool allows administrators to initiate update scans, report update status to WSUS servers, and perform other ...
Install-WindowsUpdate 6.键入A,然后按Enter键确认。完成这些步骤后,最新的累积更新将下载并安装在计算机上。二、使用PowerShell管理更新 PSWindowsUpdate模块包含许多可用于管理更新的选项。可以使用Get-Command –Module PSWindowsUpdate命令来查询可用命令列表。例如,使用以下步骤下载、安装,然后重新启动计算机以完成更新...
get-command -module PSWindowsUpdate 命令列表 Clear-WUJob – 使用 Get-WUJob 清除 Task Scheduler 中的 WUJob; Download-WindowsUpdate(别名 Get-WindowsUpdate –Download)——获取更新列表并下载它们; Get-WUInstall、Install-WindowsUpdate(别名Get-WindowsUpdate –Install)——安装 Windows 更新; Hide-WindowsUpd...
Get-Help-NameGet-Command-FullGet-Help-NameGet-Command-DetailedGet-Help-NameGet-Command-ExamplesGet-Help-NameGet-Command-OnlineGet-Help-NameGet-Command-ParameterNounGet-Help-NameGet-Command-ShowWindow 我通常會搭配Full或Online參數使用help <command name>。 如果您只對範例感興趣,請使用Examples參數。 如果...
PS D:\PowerShell-7.3.8-win-x64> Get-Command CommandType Name Version SourceAlias Add-AppPackage Appx Alias Add-AppPackageVolume Appx Alias Add-AppProvisionedPackage 3.0 Dism Alias Add-ProvisionedAppPackage 3.0 Dism Alias Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage 3.0 Dism Alias Add-WindowsFeatu...
In an isolated environment, the PSWindowsUpdate module can beinstalled offline; To use the module on older versions of Windows, you mustupdate the version of PowerShell. You can remotely install the PSWindowsUpdate module on other computers on the network. The following command will copy the mo...
通过按Y回答是,执行Update-Helpcmdlet,下载帮助内容。 Output复制 Do you want to run Update-Help? The Update-Help cmdlet downloads the most current Help files for Windows PowerShell modules, and installs them on your computer. For more information ...
1)OpenWindowsPowershellby right click>runasadministrator2)Type:SCONFIGand hit enter3)Press5(WindowsUpdateSettings)4)PressD(DownloadOnlymode)5)ClosePowershell image.png 远程开启RDP Invoke-Command-ComputerName client01{Set-ItemProperty-Path'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server'`-Name"fDe...
通过按Y回答是,执行Update-Helpcmdlet,下载帮助内容。 Output复制 Do you want to run Update-Help? The Update-Help cmdlet downloads the most current Help files for Windows PowerShell modules, and installs them on your computer. For more information ...
1(預設) - 選擇使用 Microsoft Update 自動 更新 或 Windows Update 0- 不要選擇使用 Microsoft Update 自動 更新 或 Windows Update 實驗性功能 下列實驗性功能現在是此版本中的主要功能: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility.PSImportPSDataFileSkipLimitCheck- 請參閱Import-PowerShellDataFile ...