Save-Help -DestinationPath \\Server01\Share\PSHelp -Credential Domain01\Admin01 Invoke-Command -ComputerName (Get-Content Servers.txt) -ScriptBlock { Update-Help -SourcePath \\Server01\Share\PSHelp -Credential Domain01\Admin01 }La Save-Help commande télécharge les fichiers d’aide les plu...
By default, this command displays useful properties for all volumes. You can specify a particular volume using theparameter. For example, to view the status of only the C: drive, use: Copy Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint "C:" To enable BitLocker with a PIN, use the following command (repl...
BitLocker 数据中心桥接 故障转移群集 文件服务器 FS-Data-Deduplication 模块 Hyper-V Hyper-V PowerShell RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell 模块 RSAT-AD-PowerShell 模块 NetworkATC NetworkHUD SMB 带宽限制 存储副本(适用于拉伸群集)请对每台服务器使用以下命令(如果你是通过远程桌面连接的,请省略此处及后续命令中的 -...
This is the command I use to remotely enable:prettyprint 複製 Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computerName -Credential (Get-Credential) -ScriptBlock {Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint C: -EncryptionMethod XtsAes256 -UsedSpaceOnly -TpmAndPinProtector -Pin $using:pin} But this returns the error: Group...
运行Get-Command 列出所有的 Windows PowerShell cmdlet,最终我发现了 Select-Object。它的描述为使用它将“选择某个对象或对象集的指定属性”。所以我尝试运行以下命令:复制 gwmi win32_logicaldisk -filter "drivetype = 3" | select freespace 通过将 Gwmi 的结果传送到 Select(Select-Object 的别名),我可以...
To clear the TPM, we can see that a method namedClearis available. Perfect. This exactly what we need! To clear the TPM, we simply use the following command: #TPM Clearing TPM owner $Tpm.Clear() It is important to know that you need to communicate with your domain controller to clear...
To clear the TPM, we can see that a method namedClearis available. Perfect. This exactly what we need! To clear the TPM, we simply use the following command: #TPM Clearing TPM owner $Tpm.Clear() It is important to know that you need to communicate with your domain controller to clear...
+ "BDESVC" "BitLocker Drive Encryption Service: BDESVC hosts the BitLocker Drive Encryption service. BitLocker Drive Encryption provides secure startup for the operating system, as well as full volume encryption for OS, fixed or removable volumes. This service allows BitLocker to prompt users for...
Description This issue is very similar to several previous issues here, here, and here. When passing the current Azure context to the Start-Job command, the first job that completes will often fail with the error message, "Your Azure cre...
If Bitlocker is used to encrypt database disks, set the value of this parameter to $true on all Mailbox servers in the DAG after they are all running Exchange 2013 CU13 or later, or Exchange 2016 CU2 or later. Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: ...