To get started, let’s build a script that resizes not just one but many different Azure VMs of your choosing. Open up VS Code and save a new PowerShell script; call itResize-AzVirtualMachine.ps1or something similar to that. This script will be what you’ll be adding code explained la...
I recently worked on a project where we needed to resize VMs in Azure to be able to scale up or down during different periods of the month. Since these VMs where created using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) we needed to use the new AzureRM PowerShell cmdlets. So naturally I tried Set-...
To review a list of VM sizes available in a particular region, use theGet-AzVMSizecommand. For example: PowerShell Get-AzVMSize-Location"EastUS" After a VM has been deployed, you can resize it to increase or decrease resource allocation. Before resizing a VM, check i...
Azure PowerShell $vm=Get-AzVM`-ResourceGroupName$azResourceGroup`-Name$azVMName 接着,使用Add-AzVMDataDiskcmdlet 将数据磁盘附加到 VM 配置。 Azure PowerShell $vm=Add-AzVMDataDisk`-VM$vm`-Name$azDataDiskName`-CreateOptionAttach `-ManagedDiskId$dataDisk.Id `-Lun1 ...
"Get-AzureVM" Powershell Command not recognized in application after deploying to IIS. "Get-EventLog : Requested registry access is not allowed." is returned after adding a where-object filter. "Get-EventLog: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation" - why?? "Get-WmiObject not supported...
powershell-Command"Enable-ComputerRestore -Drive 'C:\'" 这会启用 C 盘的系统保护。如果你想启用其他驱动器的系统保护,可以将C:\替换为相应的驱动器。 创建还原点 打开命令提示符(以管理员身份): 确保你已以管理员身份运行命令提示符。 创建还原点: ...
Install the Azure PowerShell module. A VHDhas been prepared for Azure, stored locally. On Windows: You don't need to convert your VHD to VHDx, convert it a fixed size, or resize it to include the 512-byte offset.Add-AZVHDperforms these functions for you. ...
To launch the bash configuration script on new VM we need to use an Extension. This is a very interesting code part that we want to highlight: $SettingsString="{`"fileUris`":[`"https://$$scriptContainerName/$scripName`"],`"commandToExecute`"...
But when I looked at Windows Azure PowerShell cmdlets (pronounced command-lets), I was completely sold. Using these cmdlets you can customize almost every aspect of VM creation which otherwise you would manually via Azure portal. In fact, few advance configurations are only possible via these ...
Now let's go ahead and create a new file share. Here are the details I'm going to use for my new share: Name: Logs Path: C:\Shares\Logs Description: Log Files You'll need to make sure the folder path exists prior to running this command. ...