先使用 Get-AppxPackage | Format-List Name 列出所有内建的Appx。 创建RemoveAppx.ps1, 将如下内容复制到ps1内, 修改$RemoveApps.保存. 1$RemoveApps= @("Microsoft.BingWeather","Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub","Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection","Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes",`2"Microsoft.Office.OneNote...
Command Line ISO Mount with Specific Drive letter Command line to create a new recovery partition Command to toggle between metered and unmetered on Ethernet connection Completely remove WPAD (Use of Windows Proxy Auto Discovery)- Windows from client systems Component Serv - DCOM Config - RUNTIMEBRO...
At the PowerShell command prompt type‘get-appxpackage’and hit enter. The list of installed applications will scroll past. You’ll need to scroll back thru them to find the application you can’t remove. Alternatively you can type‘get-appxpackage –Name *some p...
Remove-OfficeWebAppsMachineThis example removes the current server from the Office Online Server farm.Parameters-ConfirmPrompts you for confirmation before executing the command. For more information, type the following command: get-help about_commonparameters Expand table Type: SwitchParameter Aliases: ...
REG QUERY HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall All the above command either list more than the required apps or not all apps. Also cannot filter the results to achieve the exact add/remove programs list.
This command is used for removing the legacy Dataverse (version 1.0) database. Remove-PowerAppDlpConnectorBlockingPolicy Deletes the connector blocking policy for the tenant if it exists. Remove-PowerAppDlpErrorSettings Deletes the error settings for the tenant if it exists. Remove-PowerAppDlp...
I did some PS research work and ran a get-package on a target PC to get a list of installed apps. I also found in PS that there is a Uninstall-Package command and after a few tries I came up with this - Uninstall-Package -Name "Adobe Acrobat XI Pro" -Force a...
While the command runs, it creates a progress bar as shown here: When I am done, I run theGet-AppxPackagecommand to ensure that I did indeed remove the applications. Nothing returns, which means they are gone. “*greenville*”,”*magnetophone*” | foreach {Get-AppxPackage $_ } ...
Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command. For more information, type the following command: get-help about_commonparameters. Type:SwitchParameter Aliases:cf Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False ...
Test-AppLockerPolicy Determines whether specified files will be allowed to run for a specific user and AppLocker policy. For more information, open a Windows PowerShell prompt and run the command help. From the Microsoft Press book Windows 7 Resource Kit by Mitch Tulloch, Tony Northrup, Jerry ...