要在Windows PowerShell中重建C:\Program Files\WindowsApps目录,你需要谨慎操作,因为这个目录通常由Windows Store应用和系统更新管理,手动删除或修改可能会导致系统不稳定或应用无法正常运行。然而,如果你确实需要这样做(例如,在恢复受损的系统或解决特定问题时),你可以按照以下步骤操作: 打开Windows PowerShell(以管理员...
如果该值以$Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsApps\开头,PowerShell 被作为Microsoft 应用商店包或通过WinGet安装在具有 ARM 处理器的计算机上。 如果值是任何其他值,则可能是 PowerShell 安装为ZIP 包。 如果是通过 MSI 包安装的,则该信息还会显示在“程序和功能”控制面板中。
为捕获.error和.output文件,以下代码片段会通过 AgentExecutor 将脚本执行到 PowerShell x86 (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0)。 它会保留日志以供查看。 请记住,Intune 管理扩展会在脚本执行后清除日志: PowerShell $scriptPath=read-host"Enter the path to the script file to execute"$logFolder...
为捕获.error和.output文件,以下代码片段会通过 AgentExecutor 将脚本执行到 PowerShell x86 (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0)。 它会保留日志以供查看。 请记住,Intune 管理扩展会在脚本执行后清除日志: PowerShell $scriptPath=read-host"Enter the path to the script file to execute"$logFolder...
How to Uninstall Windows 10’s Built-in Apps (and How to Reinstall Them) https://www.howtogeek.com/224798/how-to-uninstall-windows-10s-built-in-apps-and-how-to-reinstall-them/ Unable to uninstall Universal Apps through PowerShell https://superuser.com/questions/1115801/unable-to-uninstall-...
~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-Location], ParameterBindingException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetLocationCommand While if I run the command on the desktop, the window opens normally! Thanks Alpha45 Brass ContributorFeb 06, 20...
Are Microsoft Store, Xbox, and other apps refusing to open or install? Are you getting access denied errors with a bunch of apps? Then boy do I have a solution for you! Use this script to whip WindowsApps into submission and finally get rid of these goddamn issues!
\temp\downloads\-Asynchronous# Exit the PowerShell Remote session's contextExit-PSSession# Disconnect the 'MyRemoteSession' PowerShell Remote session from the current PowerShell window# After this command, it is safe to close the current PowerShell window and turn off the local machineDisconnect-...
以下Windows PowerShell 示例演示如何设置模拟级别: PowerShell Get-WmiObject-Namespace"root\cimv2"-ClassWin32_Process-Impersonation3-ComputerNameComputer_B 在前面的示例中,用户使用与登录时所用的相同凭据(域和用户名)连接到远程计算机。 用户还请求使用模拟。 与原始 VBScript 示例不同,不需要名字对象字符串,因...
Temporarily enable PowerShell execution by entering the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicyUnrestricted-ScopeProcess In PowerShell, navigate to the directory where the files were extracted. Example:cd c:\Win11Debloat Now run the script by entering the following command: ...