Fix 1. Uninstall Single Program Using Get-Package CommandsIf you want to uninstall a single program via PowerShell, use the Get-Package Commands. Run the below command on PowerShell to perform the process."Uninstall-Package-Name"Example:
Install PowerShell using WinGet (recommended) WinGet, the Windows Package Manager, is a command-line tool enables users to discover, install, upgrade, remove, and configure applications on Windows client computers. This tool is the client interface to the Windows Package Manager service. Thewinget...
选择“开始”,然后在“在此处键入以进行搜索”对话框中输入 developer command prompt 或developer powershell。 选择与搜索文本关联的应用结果。Windows 10选择开始,然后滚动到字母 V。 展开Visual Studio 2019 或Visual Studio 2022 文件夹。 如果运行的是 Visual Studio 2019,请选择 VS 2019 的 开发人员命令提示符...
MyCommand.Name return null value after converting ps1 to exe $PSCommandPath is $null in parameters section and during debugging 32 bit vs 64 bit odbc connection problems 64bit - win32reg_addremoveprograms 90 day inactive user report using PowerShell A "tail -f" equivalent command in Power...
But, again, even when attempting to explicitly install the package provider, the process command fails. The earliest version of PackageManagement (version did not ship with the NuGet provider, so any use of PowerShellGet also required that the NuGet provider be bootstrapped or explicit...
Trace-Command-PSHost-NameModules-Expression{Import-ModuleMicrosoft.PowerShell.Management-Force} PSDisableModuleAnalysisCacheCleanup 写出模块分析缓存时,PowerShell 会检查不再存在的模块,以避免不必要的大型缓存。 有时不需要这些检查,在这种情况下,可以通过将此环境变量值设置为1来关闭它们。
By default, the module will be installed to $env: ProgramFilesWindowsPowerShellModules after being installed with the Install-Module command. To do this, you need an account with administrator privileges. When the -Scope CurrentUser argument is included in the command, the module will be placed...
In this section, we will show you how to install the AzureAD PowerShell module. First, open the PowerShell windows and run the following command to bypass the Windows security policy. [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 ...
MSI: change inbound firewall rule that opens port 22 to apply to Private networks only Non-Security Fixes: Add U2F/Fido2 keys to the agent from other clients:#1961- thanks@ddrown! Fix output codepage after executing scp/sftp/ssh/ssh-keygen command:#2027- thanks@kemaruya!
Length;$i++){ "`$iparray["+$i+"]="+$iparray[$i]+"`n" Invoke-Command -ComputerName $iparray[$i] -Credential $Cred -ScriptBlock { Get-WindowsFeature -Name NET-*, Web-* | where {$_.Name -notmatch "Ftp|Web-Application-Proxy"} | Install-WindowsFeature; } }...