According to the documentation, the PowerShell command for adding a driver is: Add-PrinterDriver -Name “HP Universal Printing PCL 6” -InfPath “C:\Distr\HP-pcl6-x64\hpcu118u.inf” However, when you try your best to install a driver this way, an error appears: Add-PrinterDriver : ...
MyCommand.Name return null value after converting ps1 to exe $PSCommandPath is $null in parameters section and during debugging 32 bit vs 64 bit odbc connection problems 64bit - win32reg_addremoveprograms 90 day inactive user report using PowerShell A "tail -f" equivalent command in Powersh...
]( WS2008: Client-Side Rendering: Tuesday, February 5, 2019 7:37 PM Yes, this is the correct command to removes a...
For example, the Get-Command cmdlet retrieves all the commands that are registered in PowerShell.备注 PowerShell uses the term verb to describe a word that implies an action even if that word is not a standard verb in the English language. For example, the term New is a valid Pow...
Agenda also added a feature to print ransom notes on connected printers. It copies the ransom note inl%User Temp%\{Generated file name},and executes the following commands: “powershell" -Command "Get-Printer | Format-List Name,DriverName– used to get printer drivers. ...
Creates or changes an alias for a cmdlet or other command in the current PowerShell session. Set-Date Changes the system time on the computer to a time that you specify. Set-PSBreakpoint Sets a breakpoint on a line, command, or variable. Set-TraceSource Configures, starts, and stops ...
(Measure-Command {Dir $home -filter *.ps1 -recurse}).TotalSeconds 4,6830099 (Measure-Command {Dir $home -include *.ps1 -recurse}).TotalSeconds 28,1017376 1. 2. 3. 4. 其原因在于-include支持正则表达式,从内部实现上就更加复杂,而-filter只支持简单的模式匹配。这也就是为什么你可以使用-include...
Invoke-Command:在远程计算机上执行命令。 Restart-Service:重新启动指定的服务。 Clear-EventLog:清除指定的事件日志。 Get-HotFix:获取已安装的热补丁信息。 Get-HotFix Source Description HotFixID InstalledBy InstalledOn --- --- --- --- --- Get-WindowsFeature:获取安装在系统上的 Windows 功能...
您可以通过您的桌面在同一服务器或不同服务器上,使用 Windows PowerShell Invoke-Command cmdlet 与多个会话通信。利用该 cmdlet,您可以同时启动随后并行运行的多个管理任务。不过,如果这些任务长时间运行,则在远程计算机上的命令运行完之前,您不能重新控制它。这称为以交互方式运行命令。若要以后台作业的形式异步运行,...
Import-Module Adds modules to the current session. Import-PSSession Imports cmdlets, aliases, functions, and other command types from another session on a local or remote computer into the current session. Invoke-Command Runs commands on local and remote computers. Invoke-Expression Runs commands or...