I will be using the abovePowerShell Scriptto create aLocal AdminAccount inIntune. The script will add the newly created account to theAdministratorgroup and make thePasswordnever expire. If you don’t want yourpasswordto remain valid indefinitely, you have the option to modify the code at you...
Hi everyone, I'm experiencing an issue when trying to install the Microsoft.Graph module using PowerShell 7. When I run the following command: Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force -verbose I receive the… ...
你必须是管理员组的成员才能连接到默认远程会话终结点。 可以使用、New-PSSession或Enter-PSSessioncmdlet 的Invoke-Command参数,通过备用凭据连接到远程终结点。 以下示例演示如何为管理员用户提供凭据。 PowerShell Invoke-Command-ComputerNameServer01-CredentialDomain01\Admin01 ...
User.Read.All权限范围启用前两个调用,Group.ReadWrite.All范围启用其余调用。 这些权限需要管理员帐户。 有关如何确定所需的权限范围的详细信息,请参阅使用 Find-MgGraphCommand。 连接到 Microsoft Graph 若要连接到 Microsoft 365 组织,请使用示例权限范围运行以下命令: ...
Cannot convert value "groupname" to type "Security2.IdentityReference2". Error: "The trust relationship between the primary Add-printer command not working for remote computers Add-Printer command NOT WORKING! Add-PrinterDriver -InfPath add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin Add-...
连接到存储在文件“computerlist.txt”中的所有计算机。如果系统中存在本地帐户“administrator”和/或“CustomLocalAdmin”,则其密码将更改为长度为 20(默认值)的随机生成密码。用户名/密码/服务器组合存储在 LocalAdminCredentials.tsv 中,且使用密码“Password1”对帐户密码进行 AES 加密。
The DisplayName parameter specifies the display name of the user. The display name is visible in the Exchange admin center and in Active Directory. The maximum length is 256 characters. If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks ("). Expand table Type: String ...
open PowerShell as user NOT Admin ssm accepts 1 or 2 parameters. first param specifies ssm command and the second is server folder name. if server folder name does not exist it creates it..\ssm.ps1 install insserver Configure during install : ...
To make it work with OpsMgr SP1, the first command in Figure 7 should be changed to the following:Copy $managementServer = Get-RootManagementServer Figure 7 Installing an agentCopy # Get the Root Management Server. $managementServer = Get-ManagementServer -Root: $true # Create the ...