Invoke-Command -ComputerName COMPUTER -ScriptBlock { COMMAND } -credential USERNAME COMPUTER represents the computer’s name, COMMAND is the command you want to run, and USERNAME is the username you want to run the command as on the remote computer. You’ll be prompted to enter a password f...
Invoke-Command-ComputerName"RemoteComputerName"-ScriptBlock{Start-Service-Name"ServiceName"} 通过Invoke-Command 可以在远程计算机上启动特定的服务。 远程关闭计算机: powershellCopy Code Invoke-Command-ComputerName"RemoteComputerName"-ScriptBlock{Stop-Computer-Force} 这个命令可以在远程计算机上强制关闭计算机。 ...
Also, PowerShell Remoting depends on Windows Remote Management (WinRM), which is Microsoft’s implementation of the WS-Management (WS-Man) protocol. The protocol relies on HTTP or HTTPS and uses the TCP ports 5985 and 5986, respectively....
I have run the following command successfully on a computer locally, can this be run on remote computers by adding the computer name? I've tried a few different ways but it doesn't seems work Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64 -Online -NoRestart Many ...
PowerShell 提供多种不同的方法对远程计算机运行命令。 在上一章中,你已了解如何使用 CIM cmdlet 远程查询 WMI。 PowerShell 还包括多个具有内置 ComputerName 参数的 cmdlet。 如下面的示例中所示,可以配合使用Get-Command和 ParameterName 参数,以确定哪些命令具有 ComputerName 参数。
Invoke-Command使用 Cmdlet 在遠端電腦上執行Start-Job命令。 此命令需要 PSSession (持續性連線) 。 如果您使用的Invoke-CommandComputerName 參數來建立暫時連接,當傳回作業物件時,Invoke-Command命令會被視為完成。 因此,暫時連接會關閉,並取消作業。 下列命令會New-PSSession使用 Cmdlet 來建立連接到 Server01 計算機...
powershellremoteon computer powershell是个很强大的工具。但是需要如何才能远程到其他机器上操作呢。 1,.打开WINRM,默认是禁止的。直接在打开powershell里敲winrm quickconfig,(注意:是在需要被你远程的主机上执行此操作) 2.打开防火墙:继续敲netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Windows 远程管理" new en...
WinRM Stopped Manual Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 其中“RPCSS”和“Winmgm”服务都是开机启动运行(Automatic)且当前是运行状态(Running)。 只有“WinRM”服务启动类型是手动(Manual),且当前是停止状态(Stoped)。
Gets events from event logs and event tracing log files on local and remote computers.SyntaxPowerShell Copy Get-WinEvent [[-LogName] <String[]>] [-MaxEvents <Int64>] [-ComputerName <String>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-FilterXPath <String>] [-Force] [-Oldest...
The following command runs Get-WinEvent on PrintServer35 and FileServer17: get-winevent –computername printserver35, fileserver17 When you use ComputerName, these cmdlets return objects that include the name of the computer that generated the data. The remote computer name is stored in the Mach...